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The secret of instant cleaning sink from clogging

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IN one (actually not so) now surprisingly (albeit predictable) sink drain in the kitchen can become clogged and the water - to cease to go. This happens due to the accumulation of food residue on the walls of the drain and the siphon, and also because of the coking waste in pipes.

EIf you do not want to run to the store for a means of "The Mole" (thanks Alibasov its advertising), I suggest to use folk remedy.

INsyo that is required for cleaning even the most severe clogging, - a 100 gram of baking soda and 100 ml of vinegar (or 250 ml of a 9% solution).

cleaning process is extremely simple and consists of 5 steps:

-1- Wear gloves and open a window for ventilation (safety first!

-2- Manually Scoop water from the sink and pour 100 g of baking soda into the drain hole. With your fingers gently pushed into the soda to the maximum possible depth - soda should fill in the upper part of the drain.

-3- Pour drainer vinegar - wherein violent reaction will occur deacidification and secrete large amounts of carbon dioxide.

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-4- Leave the kitchen for 4-5 minutes - the time required for the chemical reaction, and inhale the smell of vinegar at this time does not necessarily

-5- Turn on the faucet and rinse off any water reagents.

All pipes are clean, and the sink can be used again.

If you are unable eliminatethe blockage in this manner, it is necessary to clean tubes physically - special sanitary metallic cord.

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