What is the grillage and what are its variants?
Any more or less serious construction on site requires the presence of reliable, constructed in accordance with, the base technology.
In our time, special distribution received rostverkovy pile foundation, to win the love of builders due to its low cost compared to conventional MZFL. The main feature of this foundation - presence horizontal lintelServing for piling bundles.
The word grillage It comes from the German words Rost (grille) and werk (building, structure). Grillage - is the top element of the pile / of the columnar base, which distributes the load on the supporting structure elements.
Grillage looks as follows:
Usually, for the manufacture of reinforced concrete raft foundation is used for load-bearing walls frame house and mounted on the exhaust into the soil columns, the side looks like a table.
Grillage may also be a plate uniting pile heads or pillars.
What types of grillage?
Depending on the configuration emit:
- slab
- ribbon
- glass
According to the position relative to the ground grillage release:
- tall;
- increased;
- zaglublonny.
The main task of the grillage
Mission grillage - load redistribution from bearing structural elements in the foundation of the house.
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