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How to cut your own chipboard panel

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Using a variety of wood-based panels for laying on the wall or floor, always having to cut them. This also applies to particle board, which is not so often fails to lay solely in its entirety. To cut the slab quality, you need to choose the right tool for the beginning, and then use it properly. What owner would have to do?

1. Choosing a successful tool

In general, the panel chipboard - the material is not very dense and hard, so it can be cut with different tools. The easiest option - to prepare ordinary hacksaw. But must comply with one condition: you must use a hacksaw exclusively with a fine tooth comb.

Of course, when working with such equipment will have to spend a lot of physical effort, so more rational solution would be to use an electric jigsaw. Finally, fit and a circular saw, but handle it most difficult, but the process of cutting is faster, and the cut line is a more smooth.

2. Marking chipboard panels

Without a preliminary marking start cutting boards are not worth it. The problem here is that particle board is difficult to apply markup, using an ordinary pencil or chalk. It turns out uneven or unobtrusive. Therefore, the best option - use an awl.

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But, regardless of what is applied to the markup, it is necessary to leave a small margin. Still, during the cutting of the plate is "lost". Accordingly, if the planned cut piece of 100 mm in length, markings applied at approximately 102-103 mm from the edge.

3. Cutting of chipboard panels

If the owner is prepared correctly, with the harshest difficulties will not arise. The main thing is that the entire incision was made in one go. If during the stop, and then on this plot there defect, which is much harder to remove than just cut the slab immediately. To comply with the markup, better put on a chipboard panel bar as a guide member. Then either a hacksaw or jigsaw will not be able to "walk" as the cutting material.

4. Elimination of remaining defects

Perhaps, after cutting the bar stock left when applying markup, would interfere with the installation of quality material. Get rid of it, even using coarse sandpaper. Overwrite the cutoff line is necessary in any case, because usually there are rough edges, which do not allow to install the panel precisely butt.

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