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Basic protection conditions at home made of wood from excess moisture

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Wooden houses often suffer from excessive moisture penetration, which is a destructive effect on the tree. During the construction of such buildings, some conditions must be met. In the case of the wooden structure, particularly in conditions where the climate is humid, vapor barrier made from the outside can be harmful. It is necessary in the construction of a building to strive for greater integrity, the house provide a good drainage system.

The wooden houses of great importance is attached to the ventilation of the attic, to extend the life of the roof and prevent ice dams on it. In order to protect the roof from excessive heat in the summer, it is necessary to have a lighter color. To prevent, in the winter, the penetration of the house to the attic the warm air, and as a consequence, the formation of ice dams, you need to use efficient insulation materials and sealants.
Many people avoid doing waterproofing afraid of mold and assuming that the natural ventilation through wooden Wall can bring excess moisture, but it is not such mobility could cause problems with humidity and heating. The house is made of wood is always present optimal ventilation, even with a waterproofing, unless of course there are no leaks anywhere. Pay particular attention to the joints and cracks, it is the main path of the water.

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To prevent ingress of moisture into the technical space, which are semi-: strip foundation and underground is not necessary to use ventilation, and the mound of earth, water waste pipe. With the construction of houses made of wood, it is necessary to take into account topographic features - do not build a house in a valley.

So, to protect the wooden house from moisture should be: good waterproofing joints; protect from ingress of water foundation jetties device, monitor drenazhom soil, to prevent the ingress of rainwater and melted; pay attention to the correct installation of windows; make a roof with sufficient protrusion; to control humidity and ventilation in the house.

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