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How to choose a ceiling moldings

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Ceiling moldings (fillet, baguette) - a long strip of wood or plastic, used to hide the joints between walls and ceiling. With this decorative element can mask all sorts of defects - Finishing materials misaligned joints, curved corners, fasteners, etc.


For classical interiors, as well as for the rooms, decorated in some of the folk styles (country, Provence, Scandinavian), of course, you should choose a wooden fillet. Not bad fit for this option and modern. In rooms with modern design, you can use the ceiling moldings from foam, polyurethane, expanded polystyrene or plastic options. These baguettes look very stylish and beautiful. In this case, polyurethane and plastic strips bend well. They can therefore be used for the surface finishing of complex configuration.

Cellular polystyrene is an option due to the ease mounted through the environmentally safe adhesive not containing solvent. To give a similar quality can be an important advantage.

The width of the line

In terms of size baguette operates one immutable design rule - the smaller the space, the finer must be the band. In a small room, it is not necessary to use a 6 cm wider than the fillet. The cottages for finishing can take any options baguettes. However, it is necessary to consider what elements of different widths can visually make the wall above or below. Shown a similar effect depending on what kind of design was used for the decoration of the entire premises in general. Therefore, when choosing a baguette should definitely consult with a specialist.

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How to pick up the coloring?

Most often white baguettes are used for the decoration of the rooms. Such elements harmonize perfectly with almost any room design. But, of course, this option is not the only color. Optionally, you can choose the color of the baseboard, say the color of the stretch ceiling or under the color of the wallpaper or window frames. The most important thing - is to ensure that prints perfectly fit into the interior. But it is worth considering what the color bands wider than 10 cm must be selected in the color of the ceiling, or be still white.

Ceiling moldings - one of the most interesting types of decorative finishes. With it, hardly any effort, you can give a room a neat and finished appearance. But, of course, to select the item you need as carefully. Otherwise it will look ridiculous in a room a foreign object.

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