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Objectives and types for laminate substrate

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The laminate, having a lot of positive qualities, yet not without drawbacks. This floor covering shows not the highest insulating properties. Most notably that the laminate can not cope with the problem of noise reduction. Also, it should be called net of greater rigidity, because of which with the help of laminate flooring can not be laid with good shock absorbing qualities. How to be?

Why use a substrate for laminate

In order to minimize the drawbacks of the existing material, you can use the substrate. It solves a lot of problems as a result of making the laminate floors are more practical, durable and comfortable. Correctly chosen substrate capable of compensating for irregularities on the rough surface to increase thermal and acoustic insulation, increase cushioning. It remains to decide how to choose a substrate for laminate.

Main varieties for laminate substrate

1. Technical cork. The role of the substrate for laminate could perform technical stopper, which is produced in rolls and slabs. It is laid directly before installation of flooring. Cork is able to significantly increase the heat and sound insulation, smooth floor even with a fairly pronounced irregularities. The material absorbs great, so walking on the laminate in the future will be much more pleasant.
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2. Jute as a substrate. Jute substrate is used not as often as they consider it obsolete material. In fact, it in some ways better than cork. For example, jute less prone to mold growth. Therefore, if the liquid penetrates to the substrate or humid air, the risk of damage is smaller. Another advantage jute substrate - fire. That is, by using it, the owner can provide a safe living conditions.
3. Foamed polyethylene. As the material for stacking the budget of the substrate may be mentioned polyethylene foam. He is not afraid of water, copes with minor elevation changes, a slightly increased cushioning and insulation. But the material still has an artificial origin, so many owners refuse to from him, fearing worsening climate. Also, a problem the product is its flammability.

Now the owner understands what is needed for laminate substrate is and what it is. By selecting a suitable material and well laid him down, be sure to be able to repair the floor with the best results.

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