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Heating wooden house. energy saving aspects

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Like any other, the wooden house has its own peculiarities in matters of heat capacity and energy efficiency. It is a mistake to assume that the heating costs of the house, in any case be higher than that of its peers frame. On the energy efficiency of homes affected by many factors, first of all - the design features of walls, roofs and windows, ceiling height and volume of residential premises.

The logs that make up the walls of wooden houses themselves have a high thermal mass due to the presence in their structure of air pockets; wherein the higher thermal mass walls than thicker used in this log.

It should be noted that only one thickness of the walls in the construction of a wooden house is not possible to achieve high energy savings.
An important aspect in the context of this question is to comply with the required process conditions during installation logs.

There are several options for interfacing high-quality timber for the purpose of maximum snug fit. Thus, for longitudinal fixing of the compounds used various adhesives and sealants, in some cases, a cutting additional grooves and tenons. Connoisseurs environmentally-friendly materials as the seal is often used and well-dried specially treated normal moss.

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It is necessary to note that even when the complete seal in the process laying the walls, between carcass shrinkage can occur formation of cracks and fissures. This suggests technologically-illiterate or insufficient use of antisettling devices during construction.

In all cases, the technological methods of laying the logs determined builders, so the question of confidence in the selected construction company should be considered seriously enough.

Thus, in the design of energy-efficient wooden house must be considered in the same vein, architectural and installation works, as well as take into account the human factor.

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