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How to make repairs in the bathroom with their hands

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Blackened ceilings in the corners, the old Soviet tile with cracked glaze of time, curves joints filled with gray cement, instead of the charge of cheerfulness after a shower in the bathroom - and the loss of mood depression.

Sound familiar? If yes, then you need to immediately begin to make repairs.

But how to make repairs in the bathroom with their hands? The challenge, of course, is not easy, it requires patience and diligence, but to cope with it quite capable of almost anyone. Before you begin, you need to vacate the premises of the washbasin, washing machine, and it is advisable to dismantle the old bathtub. When the room is released, we begin to remove old tiles using a punch. A bar and the solution to bring down the core.

Now is the time to do plumbing. Remove old metal pipes, not forgetting to block the water from the riser, and adjust them to a more robust polypropylene. sewerage pipe change possible.

To start laying the tiles, you must first align the wall. This should be done with the help of plaster. Set the beacons., As the size of the bathroom relatively small.

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Repairs begin with leveling walls

Enough to put on two beacons on every wall. This is done as follows. Stepping angle of 20-30 cm, causes vertical stripes of solution, it is pressed into the iron beacon, check the verticality and level. We perform the same operation eight times - on two walls in each of the four corners.

Proceed to plaster can be after the solution will seize, and beacons will be tough to stand in the wall.

Plaster - the case is quite dirty, especially if you will be plastered for the first time, so be patient, and get ready for grumbling wife. A solution wall snaps trowel. By filling the space between the lighthouses, pull the solution of the rule, rather than the rules, you can use a flat board. If the surface after the contraction has been uneven, add to the solution and repeat the operation.

Next, make a floor screed. Again install beacons forward drying, the solution should be laid and leveled regulation. Before laying the tiles must be completely dry plaster, drying time is usually listed on the package.

Laying the tiles in the bathroom

Further, if you do not want to do abstract art, and want to get laid flat tiles, with strict vertical and horizontal joints, it is necessary

mark the wall. Find the center of the height of the wall, floor-to-ceiling windows, and draw a horizontal line along the contour of the entire premises. Next, find the center of the width of the wall and draw a vertical line from the floor to the ceiling. Crosshair lines should get the exact center of the wall.

According to the technology, trimming should be the same on both sides, and at least half of the tiles. Measure the distance from the vertical line to the corner, and divide it by the width of the tile plus 3 mm on the seam.

If divisible, or the rest of more or equal to half, then the vertical line - is the future of our edge tiles, if the balance is less than half the vertical line should fall in the middle of tiles.

The adhesive solution was applied to tiles notched trowel

The adhesive solution was applied to tiles toothed trowel (comb). Step tooth is selected by the tile size, the larger the tile, the more step. Usually it is 8 or 10 mm, eight walls, ten for floors. The first step is laid tile on the front wall, for evenness of joints using special crosses.

Crosses for tile sold in DIY stores, crosses size depends on the tile size: the larger the tile, the greater should be the seam. Bottom row of tiles should be laid only after the floor tiling. This is done in order to cut off wall tiles, cut edge of the floor tiles.

The final stage of repair bathroom with their hands - it's grouting. Sutures overwritten special fugue or grout.


On the second day after laying tiles. Fugue is diluted with water in the ratio as indicated on the package. Do not breed a large number of fugue at once, she quickly grasped. Dissolve in a little bit of a clean container, and with a rubber spatula rub into the seams.

Wait until the Fugue dries out a bit, usually 15-20 minutes, a damp sponge to remove the excess from the tile, at the same time evenly and smoothing the fugue in the joints. After drying on a hot plate remains fugue white coating which is easily removed with a dry cloth. Well, we can say that at this renovated bathroom with his hands you have done. It remains to establish a bath, sink and let hang water.

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