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Advantages of floor drain shower

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Floor drains and shower predestined for installation in hotels, apartments, schools, hospitals, public use shower rooms, on balconies and terraces, swimming pools, it is permissible to set the trap on horizontal roofs, in short, the drain trap can be used in a variety of places, where necessary drainage usual by.

Traps should be placed not only in new homes where there is such an opportunity in the pre-construction stage calculate all the dimensions and prepare appropriate grounds, but also in dilapidated buildings, where the reconstruction of bathrooms rooms.

Floor drains and shower fully compatible with all types of floor coverings like tiles, concrete, plastic, or with wood. Trap to drain the water, it is considered good and a more practical substitute for a full-fledged shower tray. It should be said that the ladder grille is made of high quality materials in accordance with all international standards.

All individual elements on ramps 100% compatible with one another and interchangeable. Because of this, no matter what happens and no matter the reasons for failure, you will be able to easily change the failed unit or fix the part that will be more to meet the new requirements ladder.

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Floor drains are completely harmless for walking on it barefoot. Traps for shower made in such a way that you are, without any problems, removing the top grating, will be able to perform its cleaning, if needed.

Attention should be paid to the continuous improvement of these simple devices. In any new model, manufacturers are willing to make our lives easier and to ensure that the design has been easier and more convenient. To all this, in any box you can find detailed instructions in pictures.

It is easy to install the purchased item yourself. This requires minimal training, and all the necessary materials are already in boxes.

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