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What in any case can not be washed laminate

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Laminate - practical flooring that has become the budget alternative to natural wood. It has wear-resistant properties, excellent aesthetic qualities. But to extend the service life of the laminate, it is necessary to care for properly.

Learn what is in any case can not be washed and cleaned laminate, so as not to spoil it.

What it is forbidden to wash the laminate

If your house is on the floor is a practical cover, never use it for cleaning:

· Acid and Alkaline household chemicals. Such fluids can corrode fibreboard and a decorative coating.

· Chlorine and products containing this substance. Chlorine has a negative impact on the top coat laminate, can change its hue and luster to destroy.

· Any abrasives. These include various chistoli, pasta with grains. They scratch the top layer and destroying the paint.

· Ammonia household chemicals. Such drugs impair gloss floor covering, and the frequent use of a negative impact on the protective layer

· Polishing designed for other surfaces. You can use wax, specially designed for laminate, but not for plastic or wood.

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Also, it is not recommended to wash the laminate with plenty of water. The liquid penetrates into the slit holes and leads to swelling of a wood flooring structure. The panels can be deformed, resulting in a distortion of the floor.

Under strict prohibition are various scrubbing brushes and any other equipment that can scratch the surface.

The laminate can be washed

How can properly take care of the floor made of laminate floors?

In fact, there is not much difficulty.

Laminate can be cleaned:

· The usual warm water and a soft cloth.

· Special household chemicals designed specifically for the care of the laminate.

· Water, with a small amount of liquid soap or shampoo.

After washing the floors should always be held with a dry cloth. Laminate does not like humidity.

Hopefully these tips will help you extend the life of your floor. Do not forget to Like - you is not difficult, and it is pleasant to the author.

How you care for laminate flooring?

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