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Laying plywood on the screed: professional advice on the ideal floor leveling

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Plywood - simple stuff, clean, fairly durable and inexpensive. Therefore, it is popular in the repair and construction. Plywood is useful for leveling, preparation for finishing the floor. Talk about laying the plywood to the screed. There are a few secrets that will be helpful even for experienced master.

Most importantly, the screed has dried well. It's just a check. Put on the night of any piece of film. In the morning, check whether there is a film of perspiration. If there is, the moisture released yet and to wait with the laying of plywood. On such a screed to glue the material is not necessary.


If there are cracks in the screed, it will not be an obstacle for laying plywood. Material is hide and make the floor smooth. If the screed perfectly flat, it is suitable plywood and 6-8 mm. If not, then take the material from 12 mm.

Clean the dust from the screed. It is better to go with a vacuum cleaner. Then primed surface on one or two times.

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Adhesive for bonding plywood can use anyone, even the cheapest building. It is needed mainly for filling irregularities under plywood. If a tie to the screed without glue, the plywood will "clap" underfoot.


Still need a notched trowel 4 mm. For fastening the plywood can be used dowel nails 60h6 mm. If the tie is loose, you need to choose a dowel nails anymore. Step fastening between 150 mm. Indents from the edge veneer - no more than 2 cm.

So, we put the glue on the floor in the usual spatula, and then carry out gear. Put top sheet material. MDF 4 mm. you need to prepare a template (cut a small piece). The template is needed to expose the gap between sheets of 4 mm. Sheets of plywood laid not tight!

Try to make the gap between the sheets without adhesive. The gap between the pictures should be empty.

Immediately after this drill hole punch right through the plywood. Bur take any. Prisverlivaem at the corners and then the edges. Go directly to a vacuum cleaner to remove dust.

Next you need to lay a series of shift (staggered). to cover the seams acrylic sealant.

Then it will be possible to walk sander, which will eliminate the small defects. This option is ideal for linoleum. It turns smooth surface with filled joints.

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