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Building humor. part 12

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Construction mistakes, funny and amusing elements in buildings and their interiors are countless. Therefore, we continue to consider noticed someone curiosities.

I wonder why this blatant fashioned hack? If masonry (or completely inexperienced samostroyschik) saw that the masonry he did not work, then why continue? Or idea that is still plastered - reassured?

Funny kind of gutter with such bends to the right in the photo. In addition, it can become clogged with autumn foliage.

It is hard to imagine what the logic was guided by a mason in the process and the creation of this masonry.

Track on the beach and fencing made clearly different builders. But the logic of the work must also be present. Or told to install a railing - and found them. And whether they are comfortable or if they spoil the previous work - does not concern them?

Interior design elements in public places. I think these chips, as in the photo on the left - for that is the impression even from the toilet of the establishment.

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And here, perhaps, formed a queue. Underlining the positive and the rise of some qualities or body parameters in man makes him a feeling of superiority. Psychologically, raising self-esteem interior.

There is hardly anyone self-respecting males will stand on their need.

Mashing ties - it is responsible. For high-quality surface leveling can go to many innovative solutions.

Here, on the contrary, the impression that the screed do relief. But why?

A funny parody of the building subject to the music of the recent songs of Dima Bilan:

At the end of the article, as usual, a few anecdotes:

Conversation of two builders.
Mikhailovich, and you're after a half liter can to work?
- Of course I can!
Hmm.. And after a liter?
- And then l can!
And after two liters can?
- No, after the two have to work I can not, I can only manage!
Soviet times. At the construction site the husband was given the award. We decided to buy a TV.
Bring in the package home. Wife on it examines different signs:
- Why are painted glass?
The husband replies:
- This means that after you buy your TV will need to wash!
Finally, the husband working watch on various construction sites of the country and rarely sees the family and children - came home.
Wife shows a photo of Bush and says:
- I remembered the boy in the photo?
- Yes.
- Not later than six take him out of kindergarten.


Photos taken from public sources, with Yandex service. Pictures

Previous part: Building humor. part 11

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