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Beach summer resident - "Land impoverished." What is hidden under the term and how to restore the fertility of the vegetable garden

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Soot-black, with a harvest gulkin nose. Depletion of the earth does not leave a chance to the plants, almost as drought. Illustrations for an article taken from the Internet
Soot-black, with a harvest gulkin nose. Depletion of the earth does not leave a chance to the plants, almost as drought. Illustrations for an article taken from the Internet

I heard on the bus intimate conversation between two women. After a discussion of life who you talk reached, as expected in the countryside, to the stories about the work in the garden. Without it anywhere.

One lady said that tomatoes have nowhere to go. Already, pickles, marinades clocked and adzhika, and even drier. But tomatoes are not ended, and the banks - are over. Interlocutor bitter sighs: "But nothing this year has not grown for me, because the earth is impoverished".

Let's see what the impoverishment of the soil. Why it happens, what signs of this condition and how to restore the fertility of the vegetable garden.

What is poor soil and why it becomes the fertile

EXAMPLE poor soil
EXAMPLE poor soil

Poor (more common term is exhausted) - earth, unable to provide plants for the successful growth of resources.

First of all, - lack of organic substances and unfavorable microflora

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. The two things are closely related. In the fertile soil bacteria and worms are constantly working on expanding the plant remains organic.

She, in turn, becomes a valuable and food for the planted crops, and improves the structure of the earth. Ideally, the garden on their own microflora maintains the balance of organic matter, and soil depletion delayed for years.

Mineral deficiency - another dangerous companion poor soil. Plants in the garden is constantly pulled out of the ground in large quantities of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, and at some point they no longer enough. But these substances are quite possible to make up purchase-granular fertilizers.

And here lies one caveat: there is still a lot of minerals (calcium, boron, manganese, etc.). They need to plants, no less. But are a part of is not all fertilizers. So when you buy fertilizer for his garden, it is desirable to give preference to vehicles with a more complex and trace elements.

Plants that receive nutrients, grow quickly and provide an enviable harvest
Plants that receive nutrients, grow quickly and provide an enviable harvest

Poor soil - a dummy substrate. Just the earth, dust, as a physical object. No nutritional resource it does not or it is very small. Therefore, the plants in this garden grow slowly and bring quite modest harvest.

How to cope with the problem of poor land

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You do not plant a green manure? Very vain. Pereprevaya, they are converted into organic, developing beneficial microflora and become fertilizer and loosen earth. And it requires a minimum of labor on the part of gardeners. I sow mustard every autumn after the harvest to the winter she had perepret.

My friend caught fire on the station wagon to bring the topsoil. But, knowing the price, she changed her mind. And to get to the site of the new guests as pests, bacteria and fungus so very real.

And rightly so, it is better to regularly use more affordable organics. Ideal compost and humus, but not fresh manure. Before planting the plant beds fertilize mineral fertilizer with trace elements. Since plant life will go smoothly! It was helpful - click Thumbs up ❤

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