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2 reception counter design that can bring comfort, convenience and style to your interior. Symmetry and asymmetry

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Did you know that the geometric lines are able to influence not only our minds, but even make us happy? You ask how? Easy!

It is no secret that in the arrangement and decoration of the interior, most of us tends to balance, due to which create comfort, convenience and style. Balanced interior elements bring harmony into our lives, Convey a sense of inner peace. So, striving for balance in the environment is achieved in two ways - symmetry and asymmetry.

Looking ahead, I will say - in fact no matter what interior solution you have chosen for themselves. Symmetry and asymmetry - equivalent design techniques. They are equally capable of both emphasize the individuality of the owner, and to reveal his character.

1.The symmetrical design approach. He is not original, however, is not without a sense of style. This type of balancing the internal space creates order, stability and quiet. He is more suitable to conservatives, followers of traditional design techniques. To balance the internal space is possible both by means of structural elements (separate Wall), and furniture (twin armchairs, sofas), decorative touches and accents (bedroom plants). Symmetric space reduces the surrounding objects to a common and recognizable models.

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Using symmetry drawn living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens and other parts of the house. The only thing worth a closer look - it's the size of the space.

Since the symmetry looks out of place due to the fact that further emphasizes its shortcomings in small, long and narrow rooms. In such cases it is recommended to use asymmetric methods.

2.Asymmetry in space. This room looks deeper and more natural due to the broken lines deliberately balance. When the correct asymmetry space is divided in a ratio of 60/40. While allowing the displacement of the composite center in any direction. Asking asymmetric tone better with the decor, leaving the symmetry in the space of the room. Angular sofas, diagonal arrangement of chairs, furniture and multilevel shelves shifted lines will be a great solution. Zoning space, the use of contrasting color trim also adds a touch of asymmetry.

Asymmetric approach to the design of the room is preferred in the event that its size is poor. This layout masks the shortcomings of limited space. It does not make a boring interior, but on the contrary, would deliver him the dynamics and life. As always - "The main thing is not to overdo it!"

And what do you prefer? I am waiting for your comments!

Previously published material:

6 most common mistakes that should be avoided when decorating and furnishing your home. And their solutions

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