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Design project: money down the drain or avaricious pays twice

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Good afternoon dear friends!

Make repairs on their own, or order high-quality design project everyone decides for himself. I would recommend to go the path of trial and error, and be confident in the quality result. Every business loves a specialist!

Stylish and functional interior - it's a dream ?! And it is not, this is the space where you want to live, to dream and never have a desire to change something? Beautiful, comfortable and functional! Just imagine how much you need to consider to make the dream a reality. I propose to start from the beginning!

Design projectit is a set of actions aimed at the creation and implementation of stylish, functional interior, taking into account the individual wishes of the customer.

And, as a rule, a design project consists of drawings of interior space, 3D visualization, and technical documents. The price of this service is approximately 3-5% of the total cost of repairs, but sometimes due to design features of the premises or the specific requirements of the customer, it can reach up to 10%. Many now say that they themselves perfectly cope with the implementation of its interior design concepts, and hiring a designer - is "good money after bad."

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But let's look at this from another angle:

1.Save time. You have decided to make repairs. Where to begin? It is necessary to explore the market of building and finishing materials, to understand interior stylesFind the workers to pick up the furniture and so on. Now answer yourself: "Do you have enough of all this time and effort?".

2.Saves nerves. Want to zoned spaceBut doubts about the redevelopment. All decided, but "good neighbor has made another brilliant idea." We completed the repairs, and the desired effect is not achieved. We made the adjustment, but it's not that. I am sure that these feelings are familiar to many who have already made repairs.

3.Saving money. How to calculate the exact amount of the necessary finishing and building materials? What to do with surpluses and where to buy "I lacked a bit of 'wallpaper, Laminate, tile, etc.? This additional spending from the family budget.

4.Visualization. Can you imagine that this sofa is ideal to color the plaster (wallpaper, paint), and blindsaccentuate the height of the ceiling? But it turned out not everything you purchased in the store match your interior style? And as a result - a new trip to the store, and new costs.

5.Optimizing space. What to do with the blind areas and angles, how to fit everything you need in the space available? It requires non-standard solution to "cram nevpihuemoe" familiar? And how many such spaces you? Sometimes, only a professional can solve this riddle.

6. No conflictswith the workers. Do you have the time and ability to control the repair work? Consumption of building materials? Coordinate steps nuances, schedule, etc.? While the designer is ready to come to your aid.

7. Known in advance the date of the repairs. Here's a little bit more and finish the repair? By the weekend certainly have time?! Slightly delayed work through no fault of your reasons? Again, it's your money, time and nerves...

And to avoid all these problems and situations can turn to professionals (designers, decorators). I am confident that the trouble of drawing up a design project will be pleasant for you, because the work will join experts.

Also, do not forget that many designers have access to suppliers of building materials, furniture, household appliances, and as a result, it saves your money.

P.S. This is not a call for the need and obligation to do a design project before starting repairs, it is a personal opinion of the author, and answers to frequently asked me a question.

And what do you think, is it worth to contact the designer services? I will be glad to your comments!

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