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How easy, nice and tasteful divide the space in your apartment. 5 practical design tricks.

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Good afternoon dear friends!

You have an open-plan apartment or one large room, which combines several functions (for example, living and dining room, or bedroom and work area) And you want to visually divide the space for a harmonious and balanced decor? And you do not know how to do it without building walls?

Zoning one large room two - this is a private reception at the modern design of the interior space. Since many people want to create a different atmosphere in the same room (apartment) as possible (and sometimes the desire) to build a wall NO! And fortunately, today there is no need to perform such costly and complex works like construction of walls made of bricks, concrete blocks or plasterboard, to structure the interior. Today I picked up the 5 coolest solutions to help you create two different spaces in an apartment or room.

In the end, it is necessary to include a little imagination, be creative, to create something that you enjoy, and indeed necessary. Besides, physical division of space

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, To be honest, it is not always the best solution. Sometimes it is better to choose a more economical way to thin and aesthetic.

1. decorative partition. One of the most common ways to space zoning. But it is often very original and elegant option! The perforated partition will bring an artistic touch to your interior. In addition, it is ideal accessory to create different atmospheres, sharing only the essence of space.

You can bring to the interior even more functionality through the installation of the original radiator, floor to ceiling. Two in one!

2. visual zoning. This is a fairly simple way and does not require you any special skills. No need to be a great master, an expert in decoration or have a "horse" budget. All you need - is paint, to create a new space in the room. Just take heart, and let your desires and imagination to create.

This trick will allow you to quickly and easily create a different atmosphere, even in the space that is not a priori imply several zones.

3. contrast zoning. Indeed, there is nothing trivial in conjunction a nice wooden floor and original plates, to make it clear that there are two different spaces. Of course, not necessary that the material to be versatile enough to cover different color palette, pattern or texture.

The combination of floor coverings - one of the great trends in decor!

4. elegant accessory. It is possible that you guessed it - it's screen. Decorative screen doors is the perfect accessory for the zoning of your space in a matter of seconds.

Do not hesitate! The result will meet your expectations.

5. practical solution. It is especially lovers of literature! The desire to share space becomes an excuse for the acquisition new cabinet (Possible without the back wall), or storage system for books. Indeed, being rather impressive facilities, they are ideal for the delineation of space. Moreover, since it is the design elements, they will carry out their role in an aesthetic way.

This option is ideal for a small family budget. After all, these days there is no need to spend too much money to find visually pleasing storage system at low price.

Previously published materials:

How to divide the space in the apartment without walls. 7 cool ideas to follow ...
The idea of ​​separating the space: it is easy and effective ...

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