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Raise the thermal impact of batteries in the heating period - 3 effective method

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The long-awaited winter, which will bring a lot of joy and challenges. As usually happens with us, heating included, but the apartment is still Dubakov. All we begin feverishly counting counter data, and get incredible scrip for the provision of heating services.

Often, problems come not from our side, and we can not, change something. However, it is likely our fault. In this article I will try to tell you about the most effective changes improving the thermal impact of your coolant and ways to preserve it. These methods will enable you to save money and spend the winter without too much trouble.

Of course, that any who do not need to explain that the temperature in the house depends on many factors: the layout and placement of buildings, elementary methods of warming, the correct operation of coolants. Sometimes just standing seal the windows if they are wooden, and the apartment becomes a lot warmer.

But a few of methods allow, if not too much, but still increase the heat radiators.

1. Screen-reflector heat

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It helps to keep all the heat coming, but in this case there is one problem that may limit the use of the screen to complete zero. The thing is that the heat comes, is distributed through the rooms in a natural way and only depends on us, where it will get: open windows and windows, drafty, unheated window openings. These reasons are permanently expel warm air out into the street, and with it, and your money.

To make such a screen can be of a conventional foil or special pads for underfloor heating (sold by the meter in DIY stores).

To screen effective, make sure that there is no significant heat loss.

2. Create a forced warm air circulation

Recently, there are many devices that are installed near a radiator and create a forced air flow -teplo spreading area faster.

But so also should take into account several factors: natural loss, powered device on the network, and this additional costs, and such arrangements create noise that is causing some residents discomfort.

3. Driving battery connection

Remember and check how to connect your batteries. Everything must be mounted as follows: diagonal connection with the supply of warm water from the top, is the most effective way to connect. All other schemes do not allow to give the desired heat transfer. It should be understood that this is the most effective way to increase the desired heat transfer.

All methods have their pros and cons, but the most important thing, then, that the observance of the elementary rules of heat preservation will be able to do business and save you from trouble in the beautiful winter.

❓❓❓ And you well warm the batteries in the winter? Freezing house or not?

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