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Glass tile with their hands from broken glass and resin

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We used to throw everything into the garbage, not thinking about the environment and recycling. For example, glass containers may serve for producing glass tiles, or used in its construction.

Recycling of glass, photo:
Recycling of glass, photo:

Broken glass is mixed with the cement mortar used for casting concrete walls. If the plaster walls of the cellar with a solution with the addition of fine glass, the rat and the mouse will not do climbing.

Entire empty bottles placed during the concreting of floors. First laid out close the bottle and then pour solution. So you can save on the concrete, and the floor will be warmer. See details: how to make a screed of the bottles.

Today will tell, either alone or in the home of broken glass bottles or cans to make glass tiles.

Made tiles with your hands is no worse than the Italian. Ready material does not require large investments.

For the manufacture in the home of the broken glass tiles is necessary to prepare:

-poliefirnuyu resin

is any dye,

-broken glass,

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Tile perfect for the kitchen apron, a bathroom and the exterior of the house. It has an attractive appearance and a solid foundation. This is an environmentally friendly material, waterproof and fireproof.

The main issueHow to grind glass? There are several solutions. When it is desired to produce a small number of rings, the glass can be milled with a hammer and then scroll through pieces of glass in the old grinder (which is not already in use). Cover the hole grinder, the glass does not fly away. It is better to wear goggles and gloves!

Photo taken from Youtube user Omega Drive
Photo taken from Youtube user Omega Drive

Grind the glass will help cement mixer. Together with glass (. Glass bottles, jars, etc.) put it - a heavy object (stones, weights). Pour a little water to avoid dust and glass close the hole mixers burlap.

Resin need for a firm connection of broken glass. Will not need to burn the finished tile. The polyester resin is placed within 300 rubles. per liter. Glass cans or bottles can be found free of charge (in a shed at the dump). The cost of finished tiles (per sq. m.) just 45 rubles. But the exact price will depend on the thickness of the tiles.

Add resin (50 g.) In 1 kg. small glass. If desired, add a polymer dye and stir. The finished mass poured into molds.


The packaging polyester resin solidification time indicated. Typically, solidification takes place in an hour. In order to remove bubbles from the mixture, it was a little heated.

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