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A device for saving on heating a house with electricity

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Electricity is one of the most economical sources of energy for heating your vacation home. And in many cases, even a more profitable alternative to natural gas.

But in these words there is an important caveat - you need to use electricity for heating purposes wisely, and today's article is just about this - read the life hack on how to save on heating.

The article does not talk about all kinds of fraud with meters and bypassing the tariffication of power generating companies.

How to drown wisely?

To save on heating, it is important to follow a number of important rules:

  1. Do not impede free air exchange between rooms: that is, do not lock the interior doors unnecessarily. Warm air is exchanged between rooms through open openings.
Now, in general, there is a tendency to make a gap in the interfloor overlap to obtain the effect of high ceilings and heat exchange:
Photo source - our website
  • Dose heat energy according to your needs. There is a simple truth behind these words - do not drown too much: just get thermostats and set only the room temperature that is comfortable for you:
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In the photo there is a socket thermostat. Allows you to set the desired temperature, hysteresis (the difference between switching on and off temperatures), mode ("heating" - "cooling") and even the brightness of the screen (so as not to "hit" the eyes at night).

Thermostats are equipped with a remote sensor on a long twisted-pair cord. The standard length of the wire to the sensor is 1.5 meters; the length can be increased at least up to 300 meters.

Externally, the external temperature sensor looks like this:

Maintaining the temperature of the house in the region of 20-22 degrees and not spending extra kilowatts of electricity with temperature controllers, provided:

- free heat exchange;

- a reliable insulation circuit (better - according to the standard Passive House);

- plastic 2-3 chamber windows; can heat a house of 100 square meters for no more than 2-3 thousand rubles per month.

The most interesting thing is that with this approach you will not be interested in the connection to the main gas (only for the connection people pay 300-400 thousand to the "yellow pipe").

What are your thoughts on this?

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- who pays how much?
- how much did the gas connection cost?

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