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Why should a fence made of a profiled sheet be mounted with the painted side inward?

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Hello everyone! This article is for those who respect solid fences - especially from a professional sheet, and do not like to sit and do summer cottage affairs in front of all neighbors.

When I installed my two-meter fence made of profiled sheet, the question arose before me - which side to mount the sheet: painted inward or outward?

On the one hand, there are no oligarchs among the neighbors, and all of them have sheets painted on only one side (this is 30-40% cheaper), and all the painted side was put out - for everyone to see.

But personally, I do not see any logic in this: yes, the fence looks beautiful from the outside, but you and your family members are less likely to visit the outside than on the site. And for whom then to try?

Smart people put all the beauty for themselves - why should the neighbors please?

Another unobvious reason

We have a fence of the color "green moss" - even in summer it looks very cheerful, which means when everything is will be very sad and dreary, then the green fence will cheer us up, and not those passing through the garden alley.

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So in the long term, the best solution is to install the fence with the painted side facing you.

By the way, I will be grateful for your advice in the comments - did I install the fence correctly :)

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