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What my garlic talked about on April 1, and what I did

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The yellow tips of the garlic leaves said, “Nitrogen! There is not enough nitrogen! "

Winter garlic, nitrogen deficiency
Winter garlic, nitrogen deficiency

It was easy to guess about it. Towards winter I brought in, as expected, only phosphorus and potassium. And nitrogen had to be applied in early spring. And so, the poor fellow did not wait for the garlic, the tips began to turn yellow.

It is also dry, they have already forgotten when the last precipitation was.

I took calcium nitrate, diluted 2 g / l and poured it with a bucket from a bucket under each plant. I hope that in this way the nitrogen will hit the target, the garlic will have time to eat it.

The next day, i.e. today, loosened up the damp earth to destroy soil capillaries, reduce evaporation. And to provide the soil biota with air.

One more garlic

I have two types of winter garlic, one is planted with cloves, the other last year with bulbs, it has not been dug out. She sowed at once 20 centimeters from each other, with the expectation of wintering and further cultivation.

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The difference is as follows: more even shoots with teeth. But from the former bulbs, many very worthy specimens turned out.

Bulb garlic, season two

I planted strawberries (strawberries) to the bulbs, garlic does not mind!

When planting strawberries, I chose some one-toothed ones, kept them in a drawer and planted them at the end of March, I want to see how they differ from winter crops.

How is your winter garlic doing?

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