If you don't have cucumbers at all, replace them with purslane
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Purslane instead of cucumbers
It was Soviet time. We launched the production of polyethylene. After that, the cucumbers stopped growing, all of them. For a long time. And the tomatoes grew.
Once I come to my relatives, they also complain: cucumbers do not grow! I would like a lightly salted, pickled cucumber, but it is not. Nobody! There is nothing to eat!
I tell them:
- You stomp on a cucumber substitute. Harvest this grass for the winter:
- Harvest in the same way as cucumbers, the taste will be the same.
You should have seen their faces! Grimaced, looking in bewilderment.
- What are you? We are afraid to leave this grass even in the hay, suddenly the cow will be poisoned.
Well, I have no gift to convince, I am a practitioner.
- I asked for 3 three-liter jars, washed them thoroughly.
- Picked up purslane herbs and other spices: dill, cherry leaf, garlic, horseradish.
- I marinated one can, and left two to be lightly salted.
- The pickled one was ready in 3 days, and the lightly salted ones were salted for a long time.
I tried it: great, both taste and smell - everything is as it should be! Of course, you must have experience.
The fact is that the purslane leaf is more tender than the stem, you need to focus on the leaf so that it is not digested. The sheet is already slippery.
Further. My relatives see that I am alive. Men were the first to taste it with vodka. Appreciated! Persuaded to try women.
After our departure, all the empty jars were filled with purslane. The letters contained purslane reports.
The sweetest letter came the following spring. With thanks. Some relatives shared a new snack with others. Life has become wonderful.
They no longer tried to grow cucumbers. Purslane became a favorite plant. It does not need to be sowed or taken care of, it grows itself.
And we eat purslane fresh. Today I gave it to a neighbor for seedlings. He planted it in a greenhouse.
From the author
Purslane is a very useful plant. I will not write a long list of its merits, but I will write one ultra topical: it raises immunity! Stems, leaves and seeds are helpful.
You can not use it for hypertensive patients, people prone to seizures. In diabetes mellitus, it is even prescribed, but it must be understood that purslane can cause the release of insulin.
Have you tried purslane?
I haven't yet.
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