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The neighbor did not believe that I would make a swing, but I had a cunning plan

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Our neighbors and I live in perfect harmony, but sometimes with their "useful advice" and skepticism, they are able to infuriate. So it was this time: more than once I said that I wanted to buy a garden swing. I monitored the market, waited for sales at the end of the season. But no one was going to reduce prices for garden swings.

I had to make a swing with my own hands. A neighbor dissuaded from this venture, said that nothing efficient would come of it. But I think it worked out well. Here, admire the result of my labors in the video:

I will say right away that I have never built a swing before, the first experience.

How was the construction going?

It all started with a thorough concreting of the pillars. I dug a hole 70 cm, installed a pipe with a cutout at the bottom, filled everything with concrete. I waited 5 days. A U-shaped profile was welded onto the top of the pillars - a bar is installed in it.

For greater strength, the bars were fastened with a perforated steel corner, fastened to self-tapping screws. A hairpin is good, but expensive.
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I painted all the metal and wooden elements with paint, covered the swing with polycarbonate. The seat itself was attached to twisted threaded hooks and hung on a steel chain.

It came out on a budget - in the region of 4 thousand rubles for everything-about-everything.

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