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How we chose the project of our country house

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Project selection.

To be on top of this, I recommend starting with the first article about my construction of a country house.

Have a house and your own bathhouse in the suburbs

We decided - we are building a Russian bath

We must immediately cool down the savvy and people who believe that "the cook can lead the state." If you are not an architect, but think that you can create your own project of your future home, because in childhood they were able to draw a couple of lines, this is the main delusion. You should not build the illusion that the project of the bath, which you draw, and will be embodied in wood or stone, will be viable. You can draw everything, but calculate the load of structures, rafter systems, roofs, and correctly create a plan of premises so that the ventilation system worked as it should, and constructively the entire area was involved, so this is hardly possible without education to do. So, and this is my advice, you need to look for a ready-made project for your future home, which approximately, approximately, will meet the conditions that you put forward to it. And already on the finished project it is easier to be creative.

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By the way, there are a lot of sites offering ready-made house designs in Runet. The cost of the finished project with the layout and explication of the premises is on average 20,000 rubles. Such a project easily passes registration for obtaining a building permit, if any.

Of course, for me personally, none of the ready-made projects could fit. But, having studied a hundred other ready-made house projects, they took the one that was closer to the intended one.

We did not buy the project because it was in the public domain, so we were almost at peace with constructive and other engineering calculations. We printed out the finished project of the future house and began our own design research. The heads of the household were loaded with the design of the premises for almost six months. There were so many designs that, having handed over all the papers with the designs of our future home to waste paper, it was possible to buy the Three Musketeers. As a result, the last version was approved at the family council, which, however, was one of the first drawn, still on the rise of fantasies. The "drawn" project was shown in several companies. First, to know the approximate cost of construction. And the second reason is to evaluate the engineering and design changes made by yourself, which differ from the project found on the Internet. Almost everywhere we received a positive response to our project.

So, we have a project. To create, i.e. changing the existing finished project, and shaking it up with all interested parties the changed project, i.e. approval by family members of the final version of the future house, it took us about three months. The report went.

Some of the projects that became the starting point when choosing the final design of the bath house.

Another project that formed the basis for our own design.

The first project of the bath did not suit because of what I wrote above - the two-story bath house does not fit into my concept of further development and way of life. Although the option is good for those people whose plot does not allow building in width and length, i.e. limitation on hundreds. In our case, there were no restrictions on these parameters. The plot allows you to build anywhere and anything. And this was one of the reasons to abandon the two-storey construction.

Below is the final house plan, born in agony, doubts, disputes, but still he became the last option, according to which the house was built. During the construction process, some changes were made to the final design, which in fact, as it turned out, were made by us correctly. Refused one window in the corner bedroom. The frame wall separating the kitchen and the recreation area was removed, which increased the space to almost 30 sq.m. It is easy to tell the difference between the 1st floor design of the top drawing and the final design. The area of ​​the open part of the house was increased, a boiler room was added to the left, and in fact we got a second exit, due to this, the open part was also lengthened. The internal layout of the premises has been completely changed, retaining the load-bearing walls and adding two new load-bearing walls (steam room and the second external part of the boiler room).

The result is a bathhouse with a perimeter size of 9X12 meters. With a total area of ​​98 sq.m.

The second part of the design research is to fit the future house into the landscape of the site.

We photographed the panorama of the site where, by all accounts, the new house should be located. They took the drawings of the finished project and twisted them on the site plan - they found a place, "put" a bathhouse.

And twisted and twisted, in the end we settled on the option presented in the bottom photo.

Of course, as we approached construction, the house was shifted 10 meters to the left, because the landscape did not allow building a house exactly on the spot that was identified in the photograph.

We should have received such a house according to the modified project as a result of construction.

The project was approved by the family council. The place for the construction of the house-bath was chosen, they began to look for an executor, those who will build our dream for us.

How we "got caught" to scammers, how we lost a year, and how we sued all the money from careless builders, read the next article "Bruise and Gudgeon"

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