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The advantage of your own well over any well. Or how to get clean water in your home

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Spring, it's time to get ready for the harvest year. Who does not have a well - do it, who already has it, then it's time to think about water supply at home with clean water.

All advertised filters and other crap are created only to siphon money from the unstable minds of summer residents and inexperienced gardeners.

I have been living in the village for several years. I also managed to get to know the local “oligarchs,” those who built three-storey brick palaces for themselves in the village. And there are J). So, I looked at all their plumbing - from the toilet to the washing machine and was horrified. For two years of operation, all the faience, all the metal was covered with an even layer of rust. Of course, no one argues, the water in the Moscow region is just rubbish. But do we have to fight this? But how?

When considering the issue of "water", our people are divided into three categories: 1. don't give a fuck (used to)

2. buy filters at crazy prices,

3. will solve the problem of dirty water as it arises.

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I'm on the third list. I never paid attention to the water that comes from the tap in my village house until I saw a nightmare at my village neighbor.

Both he and I have wells of the same depth, about 40 meters. But my house is supplied with water from the WELL. Moreover, the depth of my well is only 5 rings below ground level. But in my house both clean faience and a washing machine with a dishwasher are not killed by a yellow coating of metal.

I compare with my "clean"

I even cook food on your waterother than tea. While I fill the kettle with water from a public well, psychologically I cannot overcome myself. use water from your well, although there is no more than 70 distance between the public well and mine meters.

But this year there was little snow, the wells are almost empty, and by the summer the melancholy will begin with water.

What I've done.

I pumped about 5 cubic meters of water from the well into my well. And after a week I was able to use clean water. What's the trick?

And the trick is simple, like a medical mask - all the metal, all the suspension has settled to the bottom of the well, and only clean, settled water goes into the house.

Of course, there are filters in front of the water entrance to the house, but my filters are simple cleaning, costing 200 rubles, which I change two or three times a year.

I'm not worried about water.

How I set up my well, I wrote.

The distance from my well to the house is no more than 40 meters. The pipe is buried at a depth of 80 cm and the water is supplied through plastic pipes. With a winter temperature of -32, there were no problems with water freezing.

If you have any questions, write. I am not an experienced summer resident, I just live in the village.

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