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Why do the leaves turn black and curl on the pear. What kind of attack and how to deal with it.

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Recently, a new infectious disease has appeared in our gardens, which threatens Rosaceae - a bacterial leaf burn.

Signs of a fire blight:
- the leaves turn black and curl, but do not fall off the trees;
- inflorescences darken and dry up;
- liquid appears from infected shoots.

Leaves on infected trees can range from brown to black. Worst of all, the leaves that are affected by the disease do not fall off, but, remaining hanging in the trees, continue to spread the infection further.

When pathogenic microbes enter the bark of trees, this causes their death.

How to deal with a bacterial burn?

You can save a pear only at the initial stage of the onset of the disease. As soon as you notice that the leaves are darkening and curling, then you should take emergency measures to treat the tree.

Since the disease has appeared in our country recently, there is only one remedy to combat it: phytolavine. It is a complex antibiotic. Ofloxacin, Streptocymin and Tetracycline also give a good effect.

How to protect a pear tree from blackening and curling leaves?

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In order to achieve a positive effect, infected trees must be treated at least 4 times. In the fall, infected branches should be cut and burned far outside the garden.

If the tree was not processed in time and it died, then it is necessary to uproot the source of infection in order to prevent the spread of the disease throughout the garden. The dead tree should also be burned away from the rest of the fruit trees.

It is important to identify the disease in time, otherwise the garden trees will not be helped!

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