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What are the main foods that strongly affect the growth of the abdomen in men after 40 years.

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Photo: Yandex. Pictures
Photo: Yandex. Pictures

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is no longer just words. Experience has shown that people who pay attention to their diet, exercise, daily routine and many other important points look and feel much better.

A healthy lifestyle is necessary not only for women, but also for men, especially if they are already over 40.

If a young organism copes much faster and more efficiently with all the "harm" that gets into him, then over the years everything becomes difficult: extra pounds gradually increase and do not want anywhere go away.

Very often you can find men with huge bellies. And this is already a problem.

The main factors affecting the growth of the abdomen are a sedentary lifestyle, insufficient exercise, stress and unhealthy diet. The last point should be paid close attention.

There are foods that, although they seem completely harmless, in fact, over time, have a negative effect on the body.

First of all, you should exclude foods containing trans fats from your diet: butter and margarine. If natural oil contains not a very large amount of trans fats, then in margarine it simply goes off scale.

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How do trans fats affect the male body? They contribute to the blockage of blood vessels and the development of atherosclerosis. It is difficult for the body to completely process these fats and the residues are deposited in the abdomen, contributing to its rapid growth.

Then you should pay attention to baked goods, which are high in carbon. Regular use of baking does not bring any benefit to the body except for taste pleasure.

But too many calories get in and everything goes and is deposited in the abdomen and sides.

And of course, one cannot recall the "white death", which makes food tasty, but at the same time retains fluid in the body and does not allow it to be excreted in the required amount.

Those who eat too much salt suffer from swelling not only of the limbs, but also of the abdomen.

It is worth listening to these simple tips and you can reduce the size of the abdomen in a fairly short time.

I wish you health and long life!

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