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Is the Ovary Falling Down on Tomatoes? Important tips to help you deal with the Problem without much hassle

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Experienced gardeners are sure that the embryonic tomato ovary appears even in the seedling phase. And if the plant is properly taken care of, then the risk that the ovary will crumble will be minimal.

So why does the ovary suddenly fall off on a well-developed tomato plant with strong green stems? Let's consider the main reasons for ovary dropping and how to overcome this problem.

The first reason. Little sunshine

Tomato seedlings require a sufficient amount of light. The leaves, receiving the right amount of sun, participate in photosynthesis, stocking up on valuable substances to feed the ovaries.

As soon as the tomatoes are moved to the shade, or placed very densely, the process of photosynthesis is suspended. The plant senses a lack of nutrition and alternately discards the ovary.

The second reason. Watering

When watering with cold water, the ovary falls off the tomato bushes. The plant is severely shocked. Thin roots of the root system die.

Use drip irrigation, or hot water irrigation. The best time to provide the plant with moisture is evening and morning watering.

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Third reason. Poor quality seeds

Strong and beautiful tomatoes sometimes do not yield and lose the ovary. The reason for this is the collected seeds from tomato hybrids, as well as seeds that have not been tested for germination.

The second generation of hybrid tomatoes is unable to bear fruit.

Fourth reason. The culprit temperature

Unstable temperature leads to a decrease in tomato yield and shedding of the ovary. In order for it to remain on the hands, the night temperature indicator should be +17 C, and +25 C during the day.

At elevated temperatures, tomatoes spend a lot of energy on respiration, lowering their temperature, so the energy is wasted and the plant loses its ovary.

Fifth reason. Pollination difficulties

Although tomatoes are a self-pollinated plant, the process does not occur when the air temperature is +36 C and above. To increase the pollination rate in calm weather, I lightly tap on the twine, to which the lashes of tomatoes are tied.

On cloudy days, I process tomatoes during flowering with a 1% solution of boric acid diluted in water, or with special preparations for the formation of a full-fledged ovary.

Sixth reason. Incorrect foliar feeding

Make sure that there are enough basic nutrients in the soil. With a deficiency of nutrients, the culture is exposed to hunger, and the ovary falls off.

It is also important not to overfeed with nitrogen fertilizers. For the proper development of a tomato bush in the first 40-50 days of growth, I use chicken manure and wood ash. When fruits appear, I use a complete mineral fertilizer.

The seventh reason. Insect pests and crop diseases

Fulfilling the main rules: do not thicken the plantings, observe crop rotation, moderate use of fertilizers, loosening the soil, moderate watering, removing the lower leaves of the disease and pests of tomatoes will not scary.

I recommend the following preventive measures:

  • choose good varieties;
  • harden seedlings before planting;
  • organize proper watering at the stage of ovary formation;
  • apply mineral fertilizers in a timely manner;
  • if insect pests appear, use chemicals to control them.

Proper care of the plant will protect it from falling off the ovaries, and will make it possible to harvest a generous harvest.

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