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Geranium buds scored? It's time to feed. 4 different means

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Blooming geraniums in fancy umbrellas - the perfect picture of the home grower. How to achieve a riot hats?

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I will not prevaricate and write because of the miraculous feeding of even hopeless houseplant covered with buds. 80% success rate - good care of pelargonium (light, soil, watering, pruning). But feeding the beginning of the appearance of buds bloom make brighter, longer and more abundant!

The appearance of buds is for the experienced grower unmistakable signal: has suitable conditions for flowering geranium. Typically, a home flower produces umbrellas in the middle of spring. In different regions due to differences in the length of daylight period can be shifted. Moreover, in the indoor environment pelargonium blooms and sometimes in the winter, but reluctantly.

Remedy # 1. Simple and time-tested

Royal geranium
Royal geranium

Not all growers have the free time or the desire to "reinvent the wheel". The most affordable and acceptable in relation simplicity / efficiency version - use complex mineral supplements in liquid form "for flowering". Geranium owner can only use them according to instructions, diluted in water.

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In any mineral fertilizing florist is important ratio of NPK:

  • N (Nitrogen) - affects the growth of shoots and leaves;
  • P (phosphorus) - stimulates flowering;
  • K (potassium) - is beneficial roots, increases resistance to adverse conditions and also need for abundant flowering.

Of course, this information is simplified to a minimum.

I like the feeding of "Fusco", "Agricola", "Kemira". I recommend choosing a fertilizer, which included besides the major minerals and trace elements there are, especially manganese. Do not be lazy to read the label before you buy!

Another good option - solutions vermicompostIn which there are organic substances and mineral. You can alternate dressing: once with vermicompost, the next - "Kemira".

And further - information for those who want to arrange their geranium special dinner!

Remedy # 2. Do not forget about the foliar feeding

Pelargonium 'Flower Fairy White Splash'
Pelargonium 'Flower Fairy White Splash'

Foliar fertilizing indoor plants (spraying nutrient composition) like that so the nutrients are very quickly absorbed by the flower. But geraniums - a special flower with feathery leaves. Therefore, be sure to dry after spraying favorite plant in the room with warmth. To the sun's rays do not fall on a pelargonium.

For foliar feeding of geranium are excellent:

  • The same liquid fertilizer, but in a different dosage (information is available in the manual);
  • Special preparation "Bud";
  • Superski folk remedy - boric acid. Indoor plants (not only pelargonium) after the introduction of boron is usually abundant bloom. Dosage simple -10 g powder per 10 liters of water. And it is not expensive!

Remedy # 3. "Blasters" of flowering

Birth of Beauty
Birth of Beauty
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Standard feeding good for regular application. But a couple of times during the season you can indulge geranium "FUZE flowering." So called fertilizers that contain phosphorus, the lion's share. For example, if "Fusco» NPK - 10:16:16, then the extra-feeding - 10:54:10!

Find fertilizers such sale is possible, but tricky. What is one brand that tried itself - "Plantafol". But there is also our Russian counterparts and affordable. You'd be surprised, but this "double superphosphate", where 46% of the phosphorus. Good reviews of potassium phosphate, but it is necessary to measure the jew 2-3 g per 10 liters of water.

All the "fuses" can be used a couple of times during the season (at the beginning of budding and flowering in the middle). Be sure not to exceed the dosage and on wet ground.

Remedy # 4. "Grandma's" advice that works flawlessly

I do not know why, but definitely loves geraniums iodine. Suffice it to dissolve 1 drop of iodine in 1 L of pure water and pour the plant at the root. Judging by the reviews on the Internet, a very effective tool.

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