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Carefully, mulch: what can turn mulching garden beds and flower beds

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Part gardeners leave positive feedback about mulching favorite landings. "Never in my life," says another. Where is the truth?

Most of the opinion that any good agricultural practices, if we make it right and in appropriate situations. The work on the ground there is no absolute good and evil. Those who decided to zamulchirovat beds and flower beds on the site, it will be useful to know possible minuses. This will help to make your own decision: to experiment, or not?

Welcome, moles and mice

The main task to be solved by mulching planting - heat retention and moisture. There is a nuance: improved conditions like not only the roots of the plants. Mice and moles "only" to bask under the warm straw or sawdust. Excessive moisture is a magnet for slugs.

Straw - kind of mulch, which must be treated with caution share. In her frequent weed seeds. They may grow by extending the front weeding and attract hungry rodents. Therefore, if you decide to zamulchirovat bed of straw, make sure that there is no seed.

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Pine cones - also tasty fruit for rodents.

And small pests are not asleep

Warm and humid conditions, protection from the wind attract various insects and other garden pests. Bacteria and fungi that cause plant disease, will also be delighted with the shelter created by a gardener. Putting a tick on a pad next to "zamulchirovat flower bed", it is necessary to make sure that the plants in the flowerbed healthy. Otherwise, problems may get worse!

And indeed the mulch plant can infect land new guests, who will appreciate its landing.

Why is it important not to overdo it

Mulch should not be too thick. Otherwise the roots will not receive the air begins to trap moisture and will rot. Before his carefully zamulchirovat planting, be sure to ask the Internet optimum mulch thickness for each of its particular species!

When mulch soil spoils

Mulch is constantly in contact with the soil, it releases organic and mineral substances. On the one hand, it partially improves the fertility of the land. But on the other hand, can hurt:

  • The most dangerous mulch - coniferous. It makes the soil acidic, which is not like most of the cultivated plants. Needles secrete into the soil a special ingredient - a terpene, which inhibits the growth of young plants.
  • Green grass increases the content of nitrogen in the soil. It is good for growth of stems and leaves. Excess nitrogen is bad effect on flowering and fruiting.

Did you know about the nuances of mulching?

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