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What is the use of tomato juice and to whom is it contraindicated.

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Good afternoon, dear readers of the channel! Today I would like to talk about the benefits of tomato juice and why some people should not drink it.
Natural juices occupy a significant place in the human diet, especially if he takes care of his health. Freshly squeezed juices have a beneficial effect on our body, but unfortunately, it is not always possible to eat them. Most often, we buy and drink concentrated drinks, which are not so healthy, but still tasty.
Today we will talk about tomato juice, which not everyone likes, but is also an equally healthy drink.
Doctors recommend drinking tomato juice and believe that it is even a remedy for many diseases.
Reasons for consuming tomato juice
Doctors believe that this juice is very beneficial for people with cardiovascular diseases. It is known that the juice contains elements such as magnesium, potassium, ascorbic acid. All these substances help to strengthen blood vessels and heart muscle. When they enter the body, metabolic processes improve, blood thinns and, accordingly, the risk of blood clots decreases. Drinking tomato juice helps to regulate the heart rate.

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Tomato juice is also beneficial for people with nervous system disorders. The substances that it contains allow the production of the hormone of joy - serotonin, which has a beneficial effect on the human condition. For depression, tomato juice must be present in the diet.
People with high blood sugar drink juice from fresh tomatoes. The big plus of this juice is the fact that it contains almost no sucrose.
The fiber found in tomato juice helps to cope with some intestinal disorders.
Scientists have found that if you drink tomato juice at least twice a week, then your aging process slows down. Tomatoes contain antioxidants that fight aging. Tomatoes and, accordingly, tomato juice are an excellent prophylactic agent in the fight against cancer.
Fresh tomato juice can be drunk by everyone: both adults and children, but in case of an exacerbation of gastric diseases, it is better to exclude it from your diet for a while.

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