I made a board game from a regular board and paper, which you just can't do on self-isolation.
During the period of forced self-isolation there is a lot of free timeboth for making board games and for further playing them.
I'm usually not used to sitting around, so decided to make a board game with my own hands. Fortunately, there was an inch board for this purpose on the balcony.
to be honest, under other circumstances, I would not do this, of course. It is much easier to buy a game in the store.
But now, when there is a lot of free time and not wasted energy,started making with joy.
What came of this, we will consider below.
First thing marked on the boardby dividing it into four equal parts.
Then with the help of a jigsaw I sawed the board according to the markings.
The result is 4 slats of the same width.
The next stage of work, which he performed, is gouged round sticks from the slats.
This had to be done with the help of a clerical knife, since there was no power tool at hand.
Then using sandpaper the resulting blanks sanded.
Then sI marked the preparations with a step of 2 cm and saw them according to the markings applied.
As a result it turned out 90 identical kegs. The edges of them on both sides were also processed with a knife.
As you probably already guessed I did loto kegs.
It remains only to put the kegs in the bag, print the cards and you can start playing.