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Care Decembrist spring and summer that bloomed in winter

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Some growers are beginning to worry about the Decembrists (other names Home flower - Zigokaktus, Schlumberger, rozhdestvennik, Christmas cactus) only at the end of autumn, wishing to make a houseplant release bright buds. How true it is in relation to a grateful flower?

The right conditions and good care of the plant needs all year round. In this article you will learn how to care for Zigokaktus spring and summer to build a house plant a good environment and prepare properly for the winter flowering.


Dekabrist loves bright but diffused light. Place it so that the leaves do not fall in the direct rays of the midday sun. The best option - the eastern orientation of the sill
Dekabrist loves bright but diffused light. Place it so that the leaves do not fall in the direct rays of the midday sun. The best option - the eastern orientation of the sill

Schlumberger planned transplant, when the pot has become small or grower wants to replace the old ground on a new, nutritious. And the best time to do this - right after flowering in late winter or spring.

What to look for:

  • New pot for the Christmas cactus should not be too large. Only a couple of centimeters larger than the size of the root system of the plant.
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  • The main condition for the ground - friabilityBecause in the wild decembrist grows on the trunks and branches of trees of the rainforest, literally hovering above the ground. So that the soil is better to pass air in the universal soil for houseplants add coarse sand, perlite or (best option!) Small pieces of bark. It's easy, and enjoys great!

Accurate transplant Zigokaktus gentle handling method does not bring home a flower much inconvenience. he will soon rise in the new house!

humidification decembrist

For watering decembrist take soft water - spaced or passed through the filter
For watering decembrist take soft water - spaced or passed through the filter

Schlumberger pouring, it is necessary to focus on dry ground. For example, in the spring, until the batteries are still working, watered more often. When the house becomes cool, moisten the earth in a pot worth less. Hot summer weather again forces the grower undertake watering more frequently. It is important to make sure that the excess water to flow freely from the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot, and pour it through 15 minutes after the procedure.

It is necessary to wait until the top layer of soil dries about 1 cm. I'm stuck in wooden stick pot for sushi - so you can see clearly the degree of drying.

When the house is hot and dry (eg, hot summer Springtime), experienced growers are advised regularly spray Christmas cactus soft water from the sprinkler. Alternative - use humidifier or other humidification methods next to potted flowers.

Cropping and breeding

Formation of the crown makes branching bush
Formation of the crown makes branching bush

Spring and early summer - time to take up crown formation. The word "cutting" a little inaccurate: the excess parts gently twisting. So it is possible to shorten the shoots that are too stretched, or make Zigokaktus grow lush bush.

At the same time Schlumbergera propagated by leaf cuttings. You can use the ones that are left after the "trimming". Well, if they are composed of 2-3 segments. Cuttings put in water or planted directly into the ground, covering teplichku. By the way, undemanding plant survives with a bang!

Decembrist feeding in spring and summer

Even the most fertile soil in a pot with the Decembrists gradually depleted. A new batch of micro-and macro make with dressings
Even the most fertile soil in a pot with the Decembrists gradually depleted. A new batch of micro-and macro make with dressings

When choosing a fertilizer for the Decembrists, a caring owner of a flower is focused on the time of year (and, hence, its stage of growth):

  • From April to September inclusive, more developed part of the green houseplant. Invisible to the human root growth and the process goes underground.
    Therefore, the health of the flower use complex mineral fertilizers, in which nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are contained in equal parts. For example, the optimum ratio of NPK - 10:10:10. I often see this formula on the media for the decorative foliage.
    The frequency of application - 1 time per month.
  • Since October Zigokaktus need more phosphorus and potassium to stimulate bud growth, which is scheduled to happen in 1-2 months. Increase the frequency of making up to 2 times a month.

Florists recommended: preparing a solution for feeding the Decembrists, it is better to do it in 2 times less than that indicated in the instructions.

Walk in the fresh air

Decembrists different colors enliven the loggia in the town house
Decembrists different colors enliven the loggia in the town house
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Great idea - to make the plant in the summer balcony or glazed loggia. Not hurry to remove the pot, while the night temperature is not below 10 ° C. cool period causes the plant to build up a lot of buds.

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