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Making an outdoor pot from a plastic barrel and planks

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Good day, dear readers. I came to you with another homemade product for a summer residence or a country house. This is a large pot for a large plant from a plastic barrel. Although it is difficult to call it a pot because of its size, it probably has another name, but I do not know it))

This is how the assembly looks like.

Well, now let's look at the manufacturing method. We need an old plastic barrel (conventionally 200 liters), which is no longer a pity to make a hole.

Cut off the top rim, as it will greatly interfere with further decoration with boards. The cut must be cleaned with sandpaper so that everything is beautiful.

Drill holes in the bottom of the barrel for drainage. I think this is understandable, if we do not walk so that the soil will rot and ruin our plant.

Now we make two wooden supports as in the photo. They are needed because placing the barrel on the ground will block the drainage holes. The supports must of course be treated with protective agents to extend their service life.

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We fasten the supports from the inside through the holes made using self-tapping screws. It is imperative to put a washer, otherwise the self-tapping screw will tear out of the bottom when moving the barrel.

Here are the boards themselves, which we will use for decoration. It is very important that they are as equal in width and thickness as possible. The thinner the boards, the better.

Further in the photo everything is clear. we cut the boards of the required length and simply fix them on the barrel body as shown in the photo. In this case, a construction stapler is used, but small screws and even nails can be used.

Now we make a decorative top from the same boards. Fasten them with self-tapping screws in the corners, as shown in the photo. Of course, this is not enough for the stability of the structure, but then it must be additionally fixed after installation on the wooden frame of the side boards.

You can fix the rim directly with self-tapping screws to the side boards or using metal corners.

This is what you should get as a result. It looks very nice.

I think everyone understands that the boards can be additionally treated not only with protective compounds, but also with tint for wood in order to get a deeper color.

That's all. Peace and kindness to all.

And I also recently launched my new channel site. There is not a lot of material, but it is in the process of filling. There are also interesting homemade products there. Welcometo Kulibina's website. Peace and kindness to all.

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