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How often should tomatoes be watered in this heat. Proper watering

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Tomatoes are considered drought tolerant crops and require special care. To get a good fruitful harvest, gardeners will have to tinker with the beds: after all, you need to properly feed, fertilize, water. Do not forget that such a plant requires care in any weather conditions.

Photo from open source Yandex, no advertising purposes. As an example

The most common question that worries all summer residents is how to properly water tomatoes. There are several nuances to consider.

1. Watering after planting seedlings

How often a crop needs to be watered directly depends on how many seedlings have been planted. Weak shoots require special attention: they need to be covered with special material.

If the bushes are in the shade, then, therefore, less water is required. Seedlings that have already taken root can be watered once a week; each plant requires about 3 liters of water.

It is important to remember that after you have planted the tomatoes, they do not need to be watered immediately, because the roots should take root. The first watering should be after 1.5 - 2 weeks.
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Photo from open source Yandex, no advertising purposes. As an example

2. Watering during flowering

If you notice that the plant has bloomed, it should be remembered that during such a period the tomatoes need watering even more. During this period, they should be watered about 1 time per week with the calculation of 5 liters per bush.

When the plant begins to bear fruit, the amount of water should be reduced to 3.5-4 liters under the bush. If you do not follow these basic rules, fruit shedding may occur. For mature bushes, about 10 liters of water should be applied.

Photo from open source Yandex, no advertising purposes. As an example

An important question is what temperature the water should be so that watering does not turn out to be harmful to tomatoes. So, the water should be relatively warm, because cold water is best used in the early stages of culture development, for example, in the spring season. If you water them with such water all the time, the plant may die.

Here are a few more things to know:

· Do not allow water droplets to fall on the bush when watering. In this heat, the plant can get sunburn and die.

· It is better to cover the soil with mulch, it will prevent the soil from drying out in the sun. If the thickness of the mulch reaches 5 centimeters, the effect will be better.

Photo from open source Yandex, no advertising purposes. As an example

It should be remembered that growing tomatoes is not as easy as it seems, it requires constant care and attention. Water in the morning with warm water, and then the plant will bring you tasty and ripe fruits.

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