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How to rejuvenate a geranium. It will be more beautiful!

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Geranium I grow a long time. It draws its unpretentiousness and beautiful flowering from spring until the autumn. Pelargonium does not require special conditions, forgives forgetfulness in irrigation and easily propagated. Even its specific smell leaves that many do not like, I was not off-putting.

However, there is one drawback, and geranium - plant tend to lose a decorative look, denude stretch and stems. This can occur for various reasons: lack of lighting, lack of timely formative pruning, natural aging. At the same time glad that pelargonium easy to rejuvenate. Having mastered a few simple tips for this procedure, you can once again enjoy the lush green bush and gorgeous blooms.

So, to rejuvenate the plant in two ways:

  • Radical - cut and rooted cuttings.
  • Lenient - arranging it spring pruning.

Let us discuss them one by one.

geranium cuttings

To radically rejuvenate the plant, use the grafting method. For this purpose, suitable stem apex, 5-7 cm long, with 2-4 leaves. place slices sprinkled with powdered charcoal. The cuttings are dried for 3-4 hours, and then planted in loose universal substrate. Cover the container with polyethylene is not necessary. The optimum temperature for rooting - 20-22 degrees.

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Another way to take root - in the water. Cuttings are placed in a cup with boiled water or defended. To prevent rotting put into water tablet activated carbon and to accelerate rooting - Appin or Kornevin (1 ml per 0.5 liter of water). When will the roots are planted cuttings into individual pots. To a young plant was more lush, I recommend one pot put 2-3 cuttings.

Pruning in the spring geranium

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Spring pruning not only rejuvenates the Pelargonium, but also:

  • Stimulates profuse and long flowering;
  • It contributes to the acceleration of metabolism;
  • Gives the flower a flat, compact form;
  • It is the prevention of the emergence of various diseases.

Pruning is carried out immediately after the release of plants from the dormancy period: from late February to mid-March. Before the procedure, prepare flower and tools. Remove the plants are dry, yellow leaves and flowers. Disinfect the blade or knife (do not recommend to use the shears): calcined, rubbing alcohol or boil.

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Illustrations for an article taken from the Internet

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Well, then proceed directly to the cutting:

  • Cut the stems at 4-5 leaf nodes;
  • Major shoots shortened by 1/3;
  • Sections were taken directly above the leaf node, facing outwards rather than inwards bush;
  • Pinch shoots extending from the root;
  • Completely remove the stems that grow into the bush;
  • Remove intertwined, as well as patients exposed and shoots;
  • On the stem should be more than 2-3 buds.

To prevent the chance of infection of a flower, treat all sections of the crushed activated charcoal powder or cinnamon. Feed the flower fertilizer with high nitrogen content - this will speed up the build-up of green mass.

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