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Is it necessary to remove the lower leaves of cabbage?

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Some experienced gardeners who grow white cabbage often tear off the bottom leaves. This procedure is usually carried out in early or mid-August. But is it really necessary to do this?

For example, I do not remove the lower leaves of white cabbage. There are reasons for this:

The fact is that the lower green leaves conduct nutrients to the entire head of cabbage. When they are cut, they deprive the plant of nutrition. As a result, the vegetable will not grow as large.

Outside foxes are also an excellent protective layer for delicate cabbage leaves. They protect the white inner leaves from external damage.

Plus, green leaves are the main source of vitamin C. Therefore, it will be enough to remove only dried leaves before preparing any dishes, leaving as many green outer leaves as possible. By removing the outer leaves, you are depriving yourself of essential vitamins.

Removing the outer leaves with a knife can damage the stalk. An infection is introduced through the wounds, affecting the entire head of cabbage.

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Cabbage is a fairly moisture-loving plant. The lower leaves, which cover the ground under the head of cabbage, keep the vegetable from drying out.

Water evaporates more slowly and, accordingly, you do not have to water the beds very often. This will make your cabbage care work easier.
The outer leaves are the first to be attacked by butterflies, which lay their eggs on these leaves.

The caterpillars begin to eat the cabbage from the lower leaves and you can have time to process the plant in time.
Growing cabbage for many years, I was convinced that the heads of cabbage grow much larger and healthier, if the lower leaves are not removed.

There are many ways to keep the heads of cabbage from pests in time, in addition to removing the lower leaves.
Of course, there is an important reason to remove the leaves - these are rotten and dried parts of the head.

It is worth listening to these recommendations in order to be able to grow large and healthy heads of cabbage.

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