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Why Decembrist fall buds and what to do

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My heart decembrist or Zigokaktus won its bright abundant flowering in winter. Its bright flowers stacked uniquely uplifting, when outside is cold gloomy to go.

But one day, when I almost waited buds opening in December, they are, to my chagrin, almost all fallen. Of course, I was upset, but then ask the opinion of experienced gardeners, understood the reason for dropping flowers. In this article, I wanted to share their own experiences and lessons learned to your decembrist this winter pleased with lush flowering.

Why decembrist resets buds and flowers

Flowering Decembrist brighten autumn and winter days
Flowering Decembrist brighten autumn and winter days

Although Zigokaktus - not very capricious plant for a beautiful flowering is necessary to observe certain rules of care.

The main point that many neglect - the plant can not be moved or rotated since the formation of flower buds and before the end of flowering. In this regard, the Decembrist very capricious: one extra movement - and the buds are already on the windowsill. Therefore, in November, prior to the formation of flowers to choose Zigokaktus permanent place.

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Elegant "Christmas cactus" on winter window
Elegant "Christmas cactus" on winter window

Lighting. Dekabrist loves bright on at the same ambient lighting. Exposed to direct sunlight can cause abscission of buds.

The optimal location for the plant will be the eastern sill. If your windows face south, take care of pritenenii flower, or put it on the bedside table next to the window. Zigokaktus summer can be taken on the balcony or loggia, taking care of pre-protected from the wind and sun spot.

Temperature. On the sharp differences decembrist thermometer indicators may respond by dropping flowers. That can also happen if the plant is located in a draft. The optimum temperature at flowering - 18-20 degrees, during the period of rest - 12-16 degrees, in summer - 18-25 degrees.

Color options Decembrist diverse
Color options Decembrist diverse

Watering and humidity. The reason opadaniya buds can be as too meager, and overly frequent watering. Moisten decembrist as drying topsoil in the pot. After 20 minutes after irrigation drain water from the pan.

As native tropical Zigokaktus needs high humidity. It is particularly important to pay attention to this point in the winter, when the heating apparatus is strongly desiccate the air. Spray Zigokaktus at this time each day (morning or evening) defended water at room temperature. Put it near the container with water - this will also increase the level of humidity

Wow, beautiful!
Wow, beautiful!

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Lack of nutrients. It happens that the Decembrists simply no strength to "feed" your flowers. To this did not happen, since the start of spring feeding green pet once a month. Summer fertilize every 2 weeks. For this purpose, suitable complex fertilizers for cacti.

EXAMPLE suitable means
EXAMPLE suitable means

So provide your permanent place of Decembrists with diffused lighting, timely dressing and watering, take care of the high humidity, avoid sudden temperature changes. And then very soon, in December or early January, Zigokaktus bring into your life bright colors! If you like the Decembrists and the article was curious for you, please put "Thumbs up!" Thanks. Read another interesting material already about geraniums, the following link: Why is pulled geranium and what to do with the flower

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