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Kalanchoe never bloomed - it began to feed correctly, now it blooms and grows

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Often in flower shops she drew attention to the bright hats of the Kalanchoe houseplant. In the end, I bought myself three varieties: with bright yellow, pink and scarlet flowers.

Only all of them were still small in size and did not bloom. But the seller assured that the Kalanchoe is not at all a demanding flower to care for, and will soon grow up and delight me with lush flowering.

As a result, all three plants lived with me for a long time, but never bloomed. Then another friend said that you need to be more careful with them, they are afraid of an overabundance of fertilizers.

In general, I got tired of waiting for their flowering, I wanted to give it to someone. But I decided to give them one last chance. I read the recommendations for these plants, I thought, I will do everything as it is written, if they don’t bloom, I’ll give them.

In the spring I bought fertilizers for succulents with nitrogen content. Since it is during this period that plants need it for growth. Every ten days she watered the Kalanchoe with this fertilizer.

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But she diluted with water a little more than indicated in the instructions. Nitrogen fertilization alternated with watering with chicken manure infusion. I bought pellets of chicken manure in the store, mixed them according to the instructions, insisted for two days and watered.

In addition to organic substances, chicken manure contains: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese and others.

And now, after some time, to my happiness, buds finally appeared on the Kalanchoe. Then I decided to try pouring it with sweet syrup, because I read that they love him very much.

Poured a small spoonful of sugar into a liter of warm water, mixed and poured. A couple of days later, all three of my Kalanchoe bloomed with lush and bright hats. She also applied fertilizers from Agricola.

The small bottle lasted for a long time. I really like this fertilizer because the substances are completely absorbed, since they are in a chelated form, that is, easily digestible for plants and quickly.

Now I know that by the look of the plant you can understand what it lacks. For example, if the leaves become small, the Kalanchoe practically does not grow - you need to add nitrogen.

If flowering takes place too quickly, there is a deficiency of nitrogen, and yellowed lower leaves, which, moreover, also disappear, will tell about its excess. Potassium deficiency - twisted leaves with brown spots.

Now I try to feed the Kalanchoe correctly, to which they answer me with their beautiful flowers. But I do not forget that these plants do not tolerate excess fertilizing. Therefore, you need to do everything in moderation.

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