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Do you want a gorgeous crown at the Money Tree? Infusion of Onion Husk to help you

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When they come to visit my house, the first thing they notice is the incredibly lush and beautiful "money tree" that flaunts in my hallway.

Someone just admires, but most of the visitors immediately bombard me with questions. When I start answering questions and talking about the secret - no one believes!

This is really a very common problem - many people tell me that they cannot grow a truly beautiful, strong money tree with a lush crown and a strong stem.

I have never had such a problem, I use the remedy, the recipe for which my mother told me. I will tell anyone that I just water and spray the money tree with infusion of onion peels - no one believes.

Naturally, that's why they don't listen to my advice. Therefore, I share with you.

How do I prepare the infusion

Just as a person needs to drink the right drinks to be healthy, a plant needs to be hydrated and nourished. I rarely use top dressing, but the power of nature always.

When I found out this secret, I stopped throwing away onion peels. If I take onions in a store or in the market, I always shovel up more husks so that there is a reserve.

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So, here's a recipe with step-by-step instructions:

I take a large handful of onion husks, shake it up beforehand so that there are no specks and earth;

· I put this stuff on the bottom of an enamel saucepan;

I boil water and pour in exactly 1 liter;

Cover with a lid and leave for about 3-4 hours, until it cools down completely;

· Filter into a clean jar and use for watering.

This infusion is enough for me for a week. I keep it in the refrigerator, but when necessary I take it out and let it warm up to room temperature. Never water plants with cold liquid - you will simply ruin them!

The rest of the time, 1-2 times a week, I pour the infusion into a spray bottle and spray the crown as an additional top dressing.

My friend boils the husk for 5 minutes, says that there are more nutrients in the infusion, but I did not notice the difference.

As you can see, nothing supernatural is needed. Even without chemicals, you can grow a gorgeous money tree that will delight the eye and attract wealth to your home.

Onion peels contain both vitamins and minerals. The main thing is not to overfill - twice a week is enough. Otherwise, the roots can rot, and it will be very difficult to save your plant!

This affordable and simple remedy can be used on other plants too!

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