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We feed the ficus with onions and it stops losing leaves. I will tell you how to do it right

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We feed the ficus with onions and it stops losing leaves. I will tell you how to do it right

Fiery fireworks, fellow flower growers!

Today on the agenda is Benjamin's beautiful ficus and his biggest problem is shedding leaves. Recently I read on the Internet a strange and unknown "folk" recipe that stopped leaf fall. Now I am happy to notice that young leaves appear.

Why Benjamin's ficus sheds leaves: knowing to avoid the problem

A ficus growing in a favorable home environment is an unpretentious houseplant. But there are situations due to which a lush bush can turn into sticks sticking out of a pot in a couple of weeks:

I agree: it looks ugly. But this is a temporary phenomenon
  • Ficuses cannot stand cold drafts. Comrades, do not open the window for ventilation without moving the pot away. The home flower loves fresh air, but the icy currents of air will make it go bald before our eyes. In winter, 2 minutes of frosty draft is enough!
  • Ficuses, like other indoor plants, shedding leaves due to rotting of the root system. Under a strict prohibition, provoking factors are a huge oversized pot and too much watering.
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Ficuses are watered when the topsoil dries out by 1 cm.
But... Variegated ficuses are more beautiful in my opinion
  • "Benjamin" often sheds foliage due to "winter" reasons. Besides reducing air humidity, leaf fall causes a reduction in daylight hours and decreased sun activity.

All "inconveniences" cause severe stress in the indoor plant. In stores there are a lot of drugs - "adaptogens" that help in such situations - "Epin", "Zircon", HB-101. But the folk remedy - onion feeding - is no worse than the achievements of industry.

How can onion feeding help a balding ficus

Look: my ficus tree continues to grow leaves even in the midst of autumn

It was not for nothing that I mentioned HB-101 - a drug of a Japanese creation that works wonders with plants. Onion dressing in its composition will be a wonderful analogue. Already their own, "home" production.

HB-101 is made from larch extract. The main active ingredient of the Japanese adaptogen - "dihydroquercetin"(Bioflavonoid). It enhances plant immunity, stimulates resistance to adverse factors and reduces stress. What a bald ficus needs! Onions contain a related flavanoid "quartzin»- a natural substance with a similar effect.

How to prepare onion dressing for ficus

It remains only to use it correctly. And I'll tell you how!

Good news, comrades. The work is as simple and fast as possible:

1. Take a handful of onion skins. An excellent option would be to use a fresh turnip, but an already dried one will also work.

2. Pour 1.5 liters of settled water and boil for 5-10 minutes.

3. Wait for the water to cool down to a temperature suitable for irrigation. I advise you to cool it down to 40-50 ° C: warm water procedures will also benefit the suffering ficus.

Water the ficus with onion broth 2-3 times at intervals of 10 days. I tried it and noticed that after the first feeding, after a week, the leaves stopped falling. It remains to wait for spring, when it will be possible to make formative pruning and return it to a decent appearance.

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