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Acidic soil - "Beach backyard and garden." How to identify and reduce

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Acidic soil has a negative impact on most garden plants. This is due to the fact that its membership includes a large amount of aluminum. That it blocks the flow of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and other trace elements useful in plant roots. And toxins that are in the soil, on the contrary, they are well absorbed.

Increased acidity of the soil also affects the roots of the plants themselves. They become rough, thickened, their growth and development is slowed down. Thus the roots is difficult to absorb nutrients from the soil. As a result, vegetables poorly developed. Another unpleasant fact of acidic soil - is that it feel good these garden pests and garden as wireworms and nematodes.

How to determine the acidity of the soil

There are several ways to determine the acidity of the soil:

  • with litmus paper;
  • using special measuring instruments;
  • using plants that grow it on acidic soil.

About litmus paper all know from school. But I know how to use it properly?

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We need to take a few handfuls of earth from the area where you want to measure the acidity, and fill it with water. Use only distilled water is necessary. It is necessary to stir the ground, give it to settle in a glass jar or 15 minutes. Then, after a further 5 minutes, stir again. On top of this mixture that will turn the liquid to which and need to make a litmus paper.

Experiment result values ​​is easy to understand:

  • Red - strongly acidic soil, Ph = 5,0;
  • orange - 5.1 - 5.5;
  • yellow - weak acidic soil with the level Ph = 5,6 - 6,0;
  • light green color paper show that the soil has a neutral reaction, Ph = 6,1 - 7,0;
  • bright green - alkaline soil, Ph = 7,1 - 8,5.
  • If the paper turns blue, it means the soil more alkaline.
Neutral soil is best suited for growing most vegetable and fruit crops.

Special equipment

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The simplest example (

Soil acidity can be determined with the help of special devices, called ph-meters. They are of different types. Prior to the measurements must be well acquainted with the instruction. In addition, it is necessary to know the conditions under which evidence of such devices will be more accurate:

  • On the test site to remove all the excess that can affect the outcome. These may be stones, leaves and other plant residues, sawdust.
  • The soil should be slightly moist, so spill it if necessary.
  • A piece of land, where recently been fertilized, are not suitable for the measurement.
  • During measurement the metal part of the instrument must be completely submerged in the ground.
  • The soil around the unit is recommended to seal arms.

To testimony was more precise, it is better to measure the acidity of a few times, holding the unit on the ground in 10 minutes. Thus, the calculated mean value and the obtained result.

For plants!

Plantain - a well-known fan of acid!
Plantain - a well-known fan of acid!

Determine the acidity of the soil can be carefully examined the plants that grow there. It is clear that here we do not know the exact level of acidity, but, at least, some will already be able to determine what to do with the soil.

Plants growing on acidic soil

In areas with high acidity can often find plants such as buttercups, sorrel, Ivan da Marya, sedge, horsetail, fern, field mint, plantain. At slightly acidic soils grow: chamomile, clover, mother-and-stepmother, bindweed, couch grass, quinoa, stinging nettle.

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But sometimes acidic soil is very necessary in the garden and in the garden. Some plants prefer this earth. Of berry bushes on acidic soil will be well grow blueberries and cranberries. Of ornamental plants - a hydrangea, phlox, loosestrife, delphiniums, ferns, heather, rhododendron, pine, juniper, fir, viburnum, mountain ash. On the fertile, but rather acidic soils can get a good crop of potatoes, as well as squash and pumpkins.

How to reduce the acidity of the soil

deoxidation procedure (
deoxidation procedure (

Reduce the acidity of different means. Often used for these purposes dolomite flour, slaked or burnt lime and ash as the wood and peat.

Dolomite flour is not recommended to apply on the same site every year, even if you see that After applying it in the past year, this here are the plants grew again, which indicate an acidic soil. The fact that the substance dissolves in the soil very slowly, and if make it every year, one day your land can not just be a neutral and too alkaline. And it is not desirable for the plants. Therefore, use dolomite flour for deoxidation of soil is recommended once every three years.

Wood ash - is another excellent remedy for the same purpose. It contains some trace elements, which are very useful for plants. But, to the ash kept them in yourself, it is impossible that it gets wet. Therefore, it is not necessary to keep the ash on the street naked. Rain falling on it, make the ash less useful.

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