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Flowers Muzhegons or what flowers should not be kept at home Lonely woman

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When choosing a houseplant, many representatives of the fair sex pay attention not only to its external parameters, but also take into account the energy of the flower and the folk signs associated with it.

Did you know that among the popular "green pets" there are many muzhegons? I hasten to tell you about them.

Muzhegons - who are they?

For a long time, muzhegons have been called flowers that expel representatives of the strong half of humanity from the house. How do they do it? It is believed that these plants create unfavorable conditions for men, which become simply unbearable for them. And if the girl is free, then the muzhegons will in every possible way prevent a man from entering the house.


According to popular beliefs, geranium is a symbol of celibacy. This flower will inevitably make its owner lonely and unhappy, completely deprive her of female happiness.

Geranium does not want to share the love of its mistress with anyone else and by any means prevents the development of possible romantic relationships.

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Diffinbachia was awarded the title of "muzhegon" due to the fact that she provokes the departure of the stronger sex from home and weakens their male energy.

It is believed that the owners of diffinbachia will not be able to obtain the title of legal wife, and those who received it earlier will inevitably part with it soon.


Possessing the most powerful energy, sansevieria will make all possible ways to find your soul mate unsuccessful, it completely deprives women of their happiness.

It is believed that if this plant is presented as a gift by a lonely girl, then the person who has accepted it will soon have complete discord in the family and the husband's departure is inevitable.

Ivy evergreen

This beautiful plant is a climbing liana. According to popular belief, the more magnificent and faster the ivy grows, the more rapidly the marriage disintegrates.

It is also believed that sinewy, saturated dark green leaves pose a certain danger to love and family relationships.


The hibiscus, also known as the Chinese rose, is a muzhegon because it needs a lot of space for its full development.

The more the plant grows, the more quarrels and conflicts occur in the family, the closer the loneliness of a woman.

Now you know which flowers are considered muzhegon. Believe in omens or not, it is certainly a personal matter. But it’s probably not just that there is such glory around these plants ...

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