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6 biggest mistakes that can be allowed in the garden and you

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In the struggle for the ideal garden and a rich harvest of some of us started up "to the winds ...". Sometimes losing sight of the most important. Another case - Misconceptions about the care of plantings. Someone neighbor told the "secret technique", another grower "always so parents did", and others - have read a couple of articles on a random site on the internet and took the information at face value. All this is very dangerous.

You watch as wither flowers on a bed or fall off the ovary on tomatoes? We have to throw up your hands, going to the greenhouse? The potato harvest almost brings to the hysteria? The list is endless! Check yourself: Meet with a list of the 6 most common mistakes that can destroy plants and endanger the harvest. Fix them, you'll be pleasantly surprised by the luxuriant growth and fruiting on your site.

Exemplary garden (author - semiriaka2018)
Exemplary garden (author - semiriaka2018)

1. A little about the acid-base balance

And you know what land you on beds - an acidic, neutral or alkaline? I am sure that 80% of readers have never thought about acidity and know about it quite a bit. And in vain! Plants are extremely demanding on this indicator. Due to improper balance planting grow weak and give a poor harvest.

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Acidity - parameter, which we can influence. It's not hard. But the result - Transformed the garden, plenty of tasty fruits, vegetables and root crops. A riot of colors sparkle beds!

Bright bed (
Bright bed (

Now, more to the point. So, the acidity of the soil varies from 0 to 14, and has its own characteristics:

  • On acidic soil (Less than 6), the plants do not absorb nutrients. Beneficial bacteria can not live in such conditions. But some plants feel well in acidic soil: heather, rhododendron, hydrangea, pine and others.
  • neutral ground (6-7) - the best soil for the vast majority of garden and horticultural crops.
  • On alkaline soil (7 above) planting poorly assimilate phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Due to the shortage of phosphorus plant badly blossoms and bears fruit, and yields are not as tasty as it could. Due to lack of iron and magnesium chlorosis begins, the main feature of which - yellow leaves.

Be sure to find out what kind of soil is needed to plants in your garden. Check the acidity of the snap - in the pharmacy sell special litmus paper. There are national ways. It is also easy to amend the acid-alkaline balance of the soil. For example, soil deoxidized incorporation of wood ash.

2. Pity or greed?

Hell break a leg... To correct the situation! (
Hell break a leg... To correct the situation! (

I often see a situation where neighbors to testify, through inaction, ruining the harvest. Why do not thin out the carrots thoroughly, so that each plant had plenty of room and fall to get big and tasty tubers? Why not cut in raspberry weak branches, so that new shoots have given a good harvest, but not rare, and small berries? Why are we so afraid to pinch tomato, tomatoes, cucumbers?

Compassion and greed - not exactly the best fellow gardener. Each plant must have enough space, so it was, where to turn :) Remove all unnecessary! Due to the condensed with planting the plants can not divide the territory and the supply of nutrients in the soil. Thick bush hardly ventilated and creates a fertile environment for pests, fungi and bacteria. Large leaves cast a shadow on the fruits of which will be due to mature this for 7-14 days longer.

3. subtleties of irrigation

You drink, when you want. But not when you pour water into his mouth. With plants should be the same (Photo from Internet)
You drink, when you want. But not when you pour water into his mouth. With plants should be the same (Photo from Internet)

Be watering schedule based on their own free time - a big mistake. Some of the moisture-loving plants, and other well-increasing fruits and relatively dry soil. If you water the garden, "every 3 days", then someone will be filled, while others suffer from drought.

Therefore, take into account:

  • demand in the moisture of each culture;
  • dry soil;
  • weather.

This does not mean that you have to run around with a watering can on the vegetable garden all day. First, water the planting should either morning or evening) Second, you can break up the glaze. For example, if you used 40 minutes watered garden every 2 days, you will now spend 20 minutes each day.

4. select a diet

Spoon is good for dinner (
Spoon is good for dinner (

Each plant makes its own requirements for Dressing. Nitrogen fertilizers are needed to build green, potassium and phosphorus - for flowering, formation of ovaries, and set their weight. Consider the features of the plants in each period of its development. For example, at the beginning of the summer to grow sturdy stems of tomatoes make nitrogen fertilizer, and with the start of flowering - phosphorus-potassium.

5. Grandmother two told

Blindly believe people's advice - a sure way to remain without harvest (
Blindly believe people's advice - a sure way to remain without harvest (

Folk remedies - is not a panacea. You can not get rid of aphids, has captured bush cherry, tinctures, decoctions or any other "miracle" of pasture raw material preparation. Do not be afraid to use chemicals, if they are needed. Even if the "authoritative source" assures you otherwise. I've met on the Internet a lot of stupid and destructive popular recipes. You can never cure the bushes of tomatoes thoroughly the affected phytophthora, brine. How would this be desirable!

Yes, there are folk remedies that really work. But there is a nuance 4:

  • they are slow;
  • effect - less;
  • We need several treatments;
  • will not help in advanced cases.

Assess the situation soberly!

6. Those of whom have forgotten ...

"Thank you and goodbye!" - the motto of those who remain without strawberries next year
"Thank you and goodbye!" - the motto of those who remain without strawberries next year

Perhaps the most dangerous mistake - to quit to care for permanent crops after fruiting. Did you think that they go to bed? Not at all! Many of them work on the laying of the color of the kidneys for the following year. And weakened flowering and fruiting plant is in dire need of fertilizing minerals and organic matter. Otherwise weaken, become vulnerable to disease and is unlikely to survive the winter without loss. The article was interesting? Please put "Thumbs up!" Thanks. Read more: Rejuvenation soda roses

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