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How to feed indoor plants so that they bloom magnificently. I'm talking about time-tested folk remedies

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How to feed indoor plants so that they bloom magnificently. I'm talking about time-tested folk remedies

Indoor flowers require feeding all year round. As natural fertilizers, you can choose long-forgotten folk remedies, which are always at hand or it is not difficult to buy them.

Garlic water

From this nutrition, the plants come to life before our eyes. It will take only water and garlic to prepare the solution. The latter contains many macro- and microelements, organic acids, vitamins, mineral salts. These substances contribute to the growth of green mass and active flowering.

How to feed indoor plants so that they bloom magnificently. I'm talking about time-tested folk remedies

How to make a garlic solution

To prepare the nutrient mixture, you will need 15-20 pieces of garlic cloves, which must be placed in a 0.5 liter jar, and filled with warm water. Then you should close the container with a lid and let the liquid brew for 5 to 7 days. This product can be stored for over a month in the refrigerator.

How to apply

You will need one tablespoon of garlic infusion for two liters of water. It is necessary to dilute the solution and water the plants at the root.

Infusion of sphagnum moss

You can feed indoor plants with a solution of sphagnum moss. The latter can be purchased from a gardening store or procured from the forest.

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Put a pinch of dry moss in a small bottle and fill it with warm water. After 3 days, you can feed the plants one tablespoon at a time after moistening the soil in the pots. After a couple of days, the plants come to life before our eyes after adding the nutrient mixture.

Potato broth

This is another powerful food that is suitable for all indoor plants. The potatoes can be boiled with or without the peel for 20 minutes. You do not need to add salt to the broth. The prepared solution, when it cools down, can be used as directed. But before feeding it should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Plants need to be watered with a solution once every 15 days. Top dressing can be alternated with iodine (one drop per liter of water).

Comfrey root

To feed indoor flowers, you can use medicinal herbs from your first-aid kit, for example, comfrey root is suitable for this purpose, it is sold at the pharmacy. It contains potassium, which will ensure lush flowering of plants.

To prepare a working solution, you need to take one tablespoon of crushed comfrey root and pour one liter of boiling water. Then let it brew for one hour. The solution must be filtered. Before feeding, the plants must be spilled with water.

Try the above folk remedies, and your plants will thank you and bloom luxuriantly.

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