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Why we sow large-fruited bell peppers in February: share tips on how to get high-quality strong seedlings without hassle

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If you want to get a harvest as soon as possible, then you can use early ripening varieties.

Why we sow large-fruited bell peppers in February: share tips on how to get high-quality strong seedlings without hassle

You can harvest early varieties of bell peppers 90 days after planting seedlings in open ground.

Why we sow large-fruited bell peppers in February: share tips on how to get high-quality strong seedlings without hassle

Let's talk about growing seedlings. The first step is to discard low-quality seeds. To do this, fill the seeds with a glass of cold water. Those seeds that float up, feel free to discard.

Next, place the seeds in a light solution of potassium permanganate, this will help to harden the planting material and protect young seedlings from various diseases and pests.

After all these procedures, the seeds should be wrapped in a damp cloth and allowed to swell well.

Place the seeds in cups or container with pre-prepared potting mix.

After the appearance of three true leaves, the sprouts dive into separate pots.

For active growth, pots can be covered with glass or some other transparent material. This will create the ideal conditions for the pepper to grow.

There are a lot of undersized varieties and hybrids of large-fruited bell peppers. I would like to mention such varieties as Vityaz (an old variety, but highly productive), Seven, Apparently invisibly, Fat Jack and heterotic hybrids such as Aurora, Dolphin, etc.

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When the sprouts start to rest against glass or film, they can be removed.

We recommend sowing pepper 55 days before planting the finished seedlings in the ground at a permanent growing place.

Pay special attention to the choice of where to grow this crop. The soil should be pH neutral. The place should be well lit by the sun, as much as possible protected from northerly winds. Legumes are ideal precursors. It is undesirable to plant peppers in places where potatoes and tomatoes grew.

We practice growing tall varieties and hybrids of pepper with a garter, but without pinching. The dense greenery protects the fruit from burns.

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