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Why do I throw snow into the greenhouse

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Why am I throwing snow into the greenhouse - and what is the use of it

Many gardeners who have a greenhouse in their summer cottages often wonder whether it is necessary to water the beds with snow in the greenhouse. Of course, experienced gardeners will unanimously say yes. Moreover, this work is not a waste of time.

The benefits of snow in a greenhouse

Why am I throwing snow into the greenhouse - and what is the use of it

Snow thrown into the greenhouse protects the earth's surface from severe frosts. The moisture evaporates and the soil gradually becomes firm and ready for the next planting. During freezing, beneficial microorganisms, bacteria and harmful insects die in the soil.

Snow thrown into the greenhouse replenishes the lost moisture in the soil. In addition, it provides protection against freezing and erosion. This helps to preserve all the beneficial elements for the coming summer seasons. In addition, snow slows down the chemical processes in the soil.

Preparation process

In winter, the greenhouse beds should be covered with snow. There should be no landslides. Snow should be loose and light, no more than 30 centimeters thick. You don't need to squeeze hard when thrown into the greenhouse.

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The condition of the site and the proximity of groundwater should be considered before disposal. Excessive moisture from melt water can lead to the formation of an impenetrable swamp, so it will not be possible to plant plants in the soil in the near future.

The soil will take a long time to warm up, because it is under a thick layer of snow. Therefore, the planting of seedlings will have to be postponed, which will further affect the timing of growth and ripening.

In the spring, the snow in the greenhouse beds will slowly melt and saturate the soil with melt water saturated with all the necessary substances, which will give good results when harvesting in autumn.

Melt water has many beneficial properties, and snow thrown on the greenhouse beds in winter will protect the soil microflora in spring and help planted plants grow faster.

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