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Serious mistakes in spring pruning of geraniums. Without knowing, you can ruin your favorite houseplant instead of growing a lush bush.

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Let's talk about mistakes at each stage
Let's talk about mistakes at each stage

Fiery fireworks, comrades indoor florists! Today on the agenda are pruning geraniums (yes, we all know that in fact it is called "pelargonium") and fatal mistakes in all variations. Citizens, spring is on the doorstep ringing the intercom: it means it's time to sharpen the scissors. So let the first branches fall on the windowsill!

But before you get to work, go over the list of mistakes. Believe me, comrade, this will save you from unpleasant surprises and the wrong conclusion that "Maybe it is not so necessary to cut off pelargonium in the spring ...".

Some pelargoniums CANNOT be pruned in spring

Geranium geraniums - strife. On our windowsills, zonal and royal pelargoniums are most often found. If the geranium does not look like a royal one, then it is most likely zonal.

This is what a royal pelargonium flower looks like.

Royal pelargonium is pruned in the fall. Winter was given to the plant for a reason, but for a pronounced dormant period with the sacrament of laying buds for the next season. Thus, the comrades who cut off the "queens" in the spring, either do not receive flowering at all, or receive it in truncated version: missing more than half of the buds from the possible ones or seeing them only in the second half summer. What is NOT NORM for geraniums.

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Zonal - boldly cut and shred. Even if she has already thrown away the buds. If you do not live in the south and do not shine lamps on the houseplant, then pelargonium will stretch out anyway. Better to prune now than to “enjoy” the shapeless bush all summer long.

Pruning diseased plants

In this photo, already zoned pelargonium - a classic scarlet version

This does not include plants standing in yellow leaves and having lost half of the crown. Winter leaf fall is the norm for geraniums with a lack of sun.

Let us call plants infected with pests sick. Pelargoniums are not their favorite delicacy, but there are unpleasant exceptions. First - processing, then - restoration, and only next - cropping.

Excessive zeal, no one needs

Great spring pruning scheme

The advice to cut geraniums "Under the stump" should not be taken too literally. Citizens who have cut shoots at ground level gaze hopefully into the oppressive emptiness of the pot for months.

You need to understand that shoots do not appear out of nowhere. The growth of branches begins from dormant buds, left in place of already withered leaves, and sinuses. And not everyone is ready to wake up. Be sure to leave a few pieces for decency: 3-5. A lush bush - to be!

Incorrect pruning technique

Pruner - the best friend of the "spring" florist

Pelargonium formation can be done in two ways. Or break if the branches break well. Or cut with sharp scissors or a knife. Comrades, sharpen the blades!

Dull scissors will crush the stems and damage the tissue. Shoots can dry out or rot, dragging along a healthy part of the stem with almost precious dormant buds. For the same reason, you cannot break off the pelargonium along with the trail of the skin.

Improper care of geraniums AFTER pruning

Age-related pelargonium after pruning

Any pruning of pelargonium, even a simple pinching of the tops, is a kick for building new stems and leaves. The plant must have enough resources for all this. Be sure to repot your pelargonium every spring to feed it in the new soil. Start feeding with nitrogen fertilizers a month after transplanting (April), and in May, practice treating with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

A big mistake is to start watering the geranium vigorously after pruning. It will not grow faster from this, but it may well rot. No leaves - no evaporation. Pelargonium grows best in citizens who let the pot dry by half.

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