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5 important conditions for high-quality tomato seedlings. We grow without problems and with savings

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Few gardeners can boast of ideal conditions for growing tomato seedlings. It is worth trying to make her grow up healthy and strong. But you should not bother with seedlings, it is important to follow the main conditions.

What does good tomato seedlings mean?

A good seedling of tomatoes means strong and healthy-looking plants, with a developed root system and a thick, not elongated stem. Tomato is a thermophilic crop, so it has to be grown mainly through seedlings. When planted in the soil, a rather strong and powerful seedling is obtained, which is planted in open ground or in a greenhouse 55-60 days old from the emergence of shoots.

Seedlings of tomatoes before picking
Seedlings of tomatoes before picking

Basic conditions for obtaining high-quality seedlings

The main conditions for growing good tomato seedlings are soil, light, water and temperature. You can do without any growth stimulants and miracle drugs.


You can prepare the soil mixture yourself without buying soil from the store. Since autumn, I always prepare the land in advance for seedlings. It is important that it meets certain requirements and has the necessary properties.

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Experienced gardeners know that the soil for seedlings should be loose, fertile, breathable, disinfected from fungal infections, with neutral or slightly acidic acidity in within 5.5-7 pH.

Purchased soil should only be from trusted manufacturers.

Looseness in the soil is achieved due to some materials, such as sand, peat, coconut substrate, vermiculite, perlite. The nutritional value of the soil is provided by the introduction of mineral fertilizers, organic matter in the form of compost, forest land, vermicompost.

The minimum volume of soil for one plant is 0.5 liters. When picking seedlings, which is done when two or three true leaves appear, small cups can also be used, but with the growth of tomatoes, the volume of containers should be increased.

Top dressing

As a rule, seedlings are not fed before picking. Fertilizer should be applied 10-14 days after transplanting in separate containers.

Any complex fertilizer for seedlings is suitable as nutrition.

Any complex fertilizer for seedlings, which can be purchased at any gardening store, is suitable as nutrition. Or you should use folk remedies as top dressing (ash, onion husk solution or banana skins).


Tomatoes love watering, but plants cannot be waterlogged. For irrigation, you will need settled water, without chlorine. It is better to spray seedlings from a spray bottle, and increase watering as they grow. With excessive moisture and cold soil, a fungal infection often occurs like a black leg.


In late February and early March, daylight hours lasts 6-7 hours. At this time, there are many cloudy days without the sun. Tomato seedlings ideally require 12-14 hours of daylight hours. With a lack of illumination, tomatoes will develop poorly, stretch.

Seedlings of tomatoes that are ready for planting.

Therefore, it is better to plant tomatoes after March 15th. Seedlings should not be thickened, plants should not compete with each other for light.

Soaking seeds in cotton pads for germination.
Soaking seeds in cotton pads for germination.

You need to choose for growing seedlings of windows from the sunny side. If this is not possible, then it is advisable to use additional lighting. In this case, you can purchase special phytolamps, LED lamps. In addition, foil screens are often used as a reflector of sunlight, which provides illumination of plants from all directions.


The optimum temperature for growing seedlings is + 20- + 25 degrees during the day, + 16- + 17 degrees at night. As a rule, within these limits, it is preserved in our homes. These temperature fluctuations have a beneficial effect on tomato seedlings.

We create greenhouse conditions for the emergence of fast sprouting of tomatoes

It does not stretch, it grows stocky, healthy, with a developed root system, with good lighting and ideal temperature drops.

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