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Is it worth spending money on a SVP when laying tiles with your own hands?

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The alignment of the tiles during installation is sufficient difficult but important task, on which the final result of finishing largely depends.

Craftsmen usually use crosses. With their help, they freely adjust the location of the tiles in relation to each other.

But time does not stand still and more and more devices appear to facilitate the installation process.

Recently actively advertised Tile Leveling System (SVP), which is positioned as an innovative system that allows you to get a perfectly flat surface of the laid tiles.

But whether this system really fully meets expectations and is worth the money spent on it, we will consider below.

The device Tile Leveling System (SVP) came to us from the West, where it has long been popular.

In fact, it is an alternative option. crossesthat are used when laying tiles.

SVP consists of two elements:

  • wedges (spacers);
  • clamps.

Thanks to the wedges, the position of the tiles in relation to each other is freely adjustable, and with the help of clamps, the positioned position is fixed.

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As a result, the adhesive is evenly distributed under the tiles and a flat surface is obtained.

What are the advantages of using SVR?

SVR is also called 3-D crosses.
  • The most important advantage, in my opinion, is the ability easy alignment of two adjacent tiles on the same level, which avoids height differences. Besides:
  • SVR simplifies the process of laying tiles, and even a beginner will cope with the installation more efficiently.
  • SVR contributes to the uniform distribution of the adhesive composition and fixes the tile tightly.
  • After the glue dries, the tiles "do not lead" during shrinkage.
  • The tile joints are formed of the same thickness.

But there are also disadvantages, which cannot be ignored.

  • Firstly, this is, of course, a higher price for SVR compared to conventional plastic crosses.
  • Second, installing and removing wedges and clamps is time consuming.
  • Third, if you start removing the wedges too early, the tiles may fall off.

Answering the question posed above: "Is it worth spending money on SVP when laying tiles?" for professional tilers, I would say no.

But for novice craftsmen it is better to use SVR, since this system will help them to lay tiles faster and better.

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